Lisa J
Hi everyone, recently i became 1 year post op and have lost 10 stone. I thought i would put down how the weightloss has converted into inch loss just out of interest and for those who get down hearted when it doesnt show on the dreaded scales!
WAIST=was 54 now 34=20 inch loss
MID RIFT= was 49 now32=17 inch loss
STOMACH= was 62 now 42=20 inch loss
CHEST= was 56 now 39=17 inch loss
HIPS=was 54 now 38=16 inch loss
TOP ARMS was 20 now 17=3inch loss
WRISTS was 8 now 6=2 inch loss
ELBOWS was 13 now 10.5=2.5 inch loss
TOP LEGS was 36 (most peoples waist) now 22=14 loss
CALFS was 19.5 now 15=14.5 loss
ANKLES was 10 now 8=2 inch loss
Making a total of 116 inches lost

WAIST=was 54 now 34=20 inch loss
MID RIFT= was 49 now32=17 inch loss
STOMACH= was 62 now 42=20 inch loss
CHEST= was 56 now 39=17 inch loss
HIPS=was 54 now 38=16 inch loss
TOP ARMS was 20 now 17=3inch loss
WRISTS was 8 now 6=2 inch loss
ELBOWS was 13 now 10.5=2.5 inch loss
TOP LEGS was 36 (most peoples waist) now 22=14 loss
CALFS was 19.5 now 15=14.5 loss
ANKLES was 10 now 8=2 inch loss
Making a total of 116 inches lost