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Hate this pre-op since 28th I have only done it for three days. My op is the 11th which Is next weds so have the full 7 days to do it. Just finding it difficult.. I'm paying for my surgery so maybe because Of this im subconsciously thinking they have to do it. But I know that they don't and could possibly tell me they're not going to do it. Sorry to keep moaning to you all.
Don't worry about it, we are here to help each other wether it be a listening ear, giving advice or empathy if thats the right word. We have all ahd times when we wonder what if, should I continue, thats our human negativity, we hav to think positive and ask for help just like you did this time next week you will look back and think " I'M SO PLEASED I DIDN'T GIVE UP" so have a good rant and a good cry if that helps, talk to people on here and get it out of your system its costing you money can you afford to shell out and get nothing in return? Answer No!!!! Sleep on it and you'll feel different tomorrow. xx Good luck xx
Hey hon! What pre op are you on?
I'm only on milk and yoghurt for a week was two but surgeon said most important one week. Just sent an email to Sally at the hospital group and it's just like she can't wait to get me off the phone , she interrupts and was quite sharp so in return I said - your telling me what I already know ( informing he has the right not to do my surgery if my liver has not shrunk) I'm just ringing for support- it seems since I paid she just doesn't want to know. Made the situation so much worse. I know people do it a lot longer than I will be but still difficult xx
*hugs* can't help you much with the milk and yogurt one :( was gonna share my recipes if you were on the same one I am on
I did the milk and yoghurt pre op diet fro 10 days I dint find it too bad but all the milk was a struggle i felt queasy a lot but I got through xx hang on in there xx
Hate this pre-op since 28th I have only done it for three days. My op is the 11th which Is next weds so have the full 7 days to do it. Just finding it difficult.. I'm paying for my surgery so maybe because Of this im subconsciously thinking they have to do it. But I know that they don't and could possibly tell me they're not going to do it. Sorry to keep moaning to you all.

I think if you are struggling with the pre-op so much you really need to rethink why you are choosing weight loss surgery and make sure this is the right choice for you.

If you're certain that it is the right choice then bottom line - they can and will cancel the op if the liver hasn't shrunk enough. Private or otherwise - this has happened to another private patient. Also, you are putting yourself at risk - more chance of a dangerous level of bleeding etc.

I am sure you will get plenty of support from everyone here, but from my own experience all the support in the world can't stop me doing the things I do to myself. You've got to make that choice.

Good luck!
Thank you, I know it's just me and perhaps having this surgery in a few months would of been better for me less anxiety and things going on. My problem is i ways turn to food and that's why im the size I am- so things that are happening at moment is making me just want to eat more. Thank you for your comments I do really appreciate them it's nice to offload xxx