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1st appointment at St Richards ... pls help?


New Member
Hello there !
Thanks for reading this , I was just hoping that some of you may be able to shred some light on what i should expect at my first appointment? on my appointment letter it states that i will be with them for most of the day ...can anyone indicate what might happen? will i undergo any physical test ? i am on morphine ,so im nervous about being there all day ... i will of course be there.. but i want to prepare myself .. thank you in advance for any info !! xx
Hi Clare

If you Google the words; saint Richards bariatric Chichester ; you will get a link to the departments website.

I'm on an iPod at the moment so can't get the link on here.

Hopefully that'll help - and good luck xx
I had my first appt at chichester last October....you see the dietician, the aneasthetist, psychologist and the surgeon, 2 before lunch and 2 after lunch. There is a nice reasonable restaurant in the hospital for lunch, though a bit weird getting something to eat when you are there for bariatric assessment lol.(The interesting bit is the afternoon, where post oppers come for their weigh ins and are happy to chat with you and tell of their journeys.) All will go through some questions with you and general chat about diet, health etc. The aneasthetist I saw decided that I had sleep apnoea and wanted me settled on a CPAP machine before surgery. I was so upset at the time for being discharged and it has taken me a further 6 months to get my date, which is now the 1st of June. I have my pre op appt this Thursday, 12th May.
Hope all goes well for you xx