New Member
I went for my 1st appt yesterday at the Obesity centre at the L&D Hospital.
I arrived on time, no rush hour traffic to speak of (appt was 9am):character00115:, checked in and was given a mighty long form to fill in. Half way through the form, I was called in to see the obesity nurse.
She was a nice woman, very efficient, but you could tell that she had been saying the info to peeps regularly shall we say lol. Had my BP taken, was high for me, and she took it again a bit later on, height and weight taken...their scales weigh me lighter than my home ones
Then I had blood taken....took 3 attempts..she was very apologetic, for fbc, u&e's, cholseterol, liver and kidney function, fasting blood sugar, thyroid.
Then off for an ECG, no wait for that either. Handed in the ECG report and have been given a food and activity diary to complete.
The only bad thing is that normally I would have seen a Dr too, who would have taken a detailed medical history and expained the different types of surgeries available, but he was on holiday. So my appt on the 13th (that I thought was with psychologist. dr and dietican), is actually with him, so puts everything back a few weeks .
But at least it's a beginning . The nurse said that after next appt i will be sent another one with the 3 to see, then be put on milk diet to lose 5% of body weight...given up to 9weeks to do it, but she said if it took that long, the surgery would not be recommended. Then it's another wait to get surgeon appt, and when I see him he would give me a date for my surgery usually withing 4-6 weeks.:cross:
I hope this info is helpful to anyone else waiting for surgery at L&D.
I arrived on time, no rush hour traffic to speak of (appt was 9am):character00115:, checked in and was given a mighty long form to fill in. Half way through the form, I was called in to see the obesity nurse.
She was a nice woman, very efficient, but you could tell that she had been saying the info to peeps regularly shall we say lol. Had my BP taken, was high for me, and she took it again a bit later on, height and weight taken...their scales weigh me lighter than my home ones
Then I had blood taken....took 3 attempts..she was very apologetic, for fbc, u&e's, cholseterol, liver and kidney function, fasting blood sugar, thyroid.
Then off for an ECG, no wait for that either. Handed in the ECG report and have been given a food and activity diary to complete.
The only bad thing is that normally I would have seen a Dr too, who would have taken a detailed medical history and expained the different types of surgeries available, but he was on holiday. So my appt on the 13th (that I thought was with psychologist. dr and dietican), is actually with him, so puts everything back a few weeks .

But at least it's a beginning . The nurse said that after next appt i will be sent another one with the 3 to see, then be put on milk diet to lose 5% of body weight...given up to 9weeks to do it, but she said if it took that long, the surgery would not be recommended. Then it's another wait to get surgeon appt, and when I see him he would give me a date for my surgery usually withing 4-6 weeks.:cross:
I hope this info is helpful to anyone else waiting for surgery at L&D.