Still sticking to the eating plan set but cant wait until next week when I can try some new things - getting fed up of pureed weight watchers meals!!
I have had a couple of melba toasts with salmon pate which were wonderful
Anyway back to the GP today to sort out which tablets to take and when & to check my wound. Just a couple of small areas not quite healed but seem to be doing ok - just me being awkward I guess lol.
I am moving around loads more and now starting to feel healthy.
Had a call from the benefits agency today (claiming sickness) asking if I had had the op and will I go down for an interview as I should be ok now!!! Cant wait to show them the operation report
I know my own recovery is a little behind the "norm" but can anyone tell me how long after open surgery they were able to drive again?
Tomorrow I am going to weigh and measure myself - given the courage to do so. :jelous:
I hope that you are all healthy and well xx