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24 hours to wait . . .


Well-Known Member
until my first fill.

Goodness I shall be relieved to get something in there to give me a kick start, while I've been doing well with pure willpower of not eating more than Im suggested too, its been hard when there is no restriction and I could eat whatever portion sizes I wanted to.

Its also my birthday tomorrow, so a nice birthday present of being on liquids only for 3 days lol does that include a big glass of champagne to celebrate? ;)

Looking forward to getting really underway and really the band helping. Downside is, its an hour + journey just to get it filled each way, so a morning off work, and Im supposed to supply the office with cakes. I told them they could have a banana each cos cakes are just too unhealthy LOL (they dont know about my band, just know Im eating healthily!)
Hi Top-Kat,
I had my first fill today and thankfully all went well!! My surgeon said he put 3ml in during surgery, but the nurse said there was 3.7ml in, and she put 1.5ml in so im up to 5.2ml.
I was feeling some restriction, so who knows what i'll be like now! I've been naughty with my food choices so glad to be on liquid for 3 days! No weight loss for 2 weeks either but thats my fault, and a big reminder that I have to work hard too!!
Hope your fill goes as well as mine.
Good luck top kat mine is in 2 weeks and at that point .il be 8 wks post op surviving on sheer will power!! But I'm 5 pounds off 3 stone since pre op so it can be done... lol
Really can't wait for a bit of band control though as it's getting harder! Keep us posted with how you get on :)
Good luck and it's an amazing feeling when you get your first fill all I will say is sip your champagne and happy birthday
Thanks everyone :)

@Rose2022 That is how it has been for sure with me and I've seen quite good loss since surgery having lost 1 1/2 stone since my op 5 weeks ago and I also lost 17lb on pre op, but this week has certainly been up (literally up :( ) and hoping it will be down again when I hit those scales tomorrow.

But certainly looking forward to the fill and working with the band, having joined the gym this week too I want it to all start coming together.

@lilypersian ~ hoping that it starts to come off now that you've had your band :)

Maphillips ~ thank you ~ havent got any champagne but may treat myself to a glass of wine to celebrate lol
Snap! I am at Heartlands tomorrow for band fill No. 2 and like you I feel like I need another kick start to help me along. Have done well so far and trying to remain focused but lots of stress going on at home and work which is not helping one bit! Happy Birthday for tomorrow and avoid the office cakes if you can :)
Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Well I've had my "fill", when she finally managed to find the port and DAMN! did it hurt while she tried to find it . . .then, 5 needle holes later and lots of pushing which bloody hurt she managed to find it and do the "biz!"

There was about 0.1ml left in my band from when they flushed it out during surgery, she whizzed it out and has given me 5mls for my first fill. Glass of water and sent me on my way. . ..traffic was horrendous on the motorway today so a 2 1/2 hour round trip for 20 mins appointment lol

But its done, and now I've got 3 days of liquids and 3 days of puree . . .but hoping that this is going to be it.

They also gave me my own little food timer, to really focus on the process my provider suggests of 30 seconds munch followed by 30 second pause, to eat for max 20 mins to let the receptors kick in. So, I came home with a mini timer and pleased that I've got this out of the way.

Weigh in today . . .my scales different to theirs, they had me a 1 1/2lb heavier but then I was fully dressed with them whereas when I weigh at home Im not, so guess it evens out, but having put on 2lb during the first half of the week by mid week weigh in, I lost that 2lb and a further 2lb so reached my mini goal of being under 300lb by my birthday . . .so 38lb gone in the 7 weeks, and 50lb loss is my next mini target which I had hoped to get to by the end of november.

They have told me that my loss should be 1-2lb a week and if Im losing at that rate they would consider the band working and not needing a further fill and to try to work with it so that restriction and loss is achieved at the lowest amount possible. I have a 14ml band and now with 5 mls in it . . .

Happy Birthday to me :)
Happy birthday to you :553:
Happy birthday and congrats on the fill and the weight loss this week and to date - fantastic result x