New Member
Thought I'd do this like many before me on this forum.
Op day Monday 5th Jan.
Arrived 7:15, as I was 1st to arrive they decided to do me 1st. By 8:30 was done in surgery. 10:30 back in bed and awake..and feeling fine.
Wont bore you with all the details but basically must be a classic case. Absolutely no pain or discomfort. Was out of bed and watching telly by the afternoon. 1st night was fine, although never sleep well when I'm not in my own bed. Usual ops every hour but was fine with it all.
Only prob in morning was blood sugars was 3.9 so they changed my drip. catheter was out by mid early morning, had my x-rays..all going really well..apart from the stuff they give you for the x-ray going through me. Finally had the drip removed in the afternoon, god that was a slow so called 6 hour bag
but was finally free to wonder. Had a good walk, seems that they were ok with it although they expected me to have thecslight wobbles but felt as strong as an ox. physo came and had a chat..can you manage to walk and try some stairs..god yes..how many 
Saw Mr Decadt (the consultant) in the evening who said I could prob go home now but seeing it was getting late to stay in 1 more night.
Had my yogurt brekkie and my cuppa tea (had tea since last night). Phone parents to pick me up at 11. Had all the usual visists and chats and was ready to go by 11. Was glad to leave, nice hospital but wanted out..still no pain or discomfort at all.
Stayed with my parents until Sat to keep them quiet. Feeling totally fine. Still wondering if I've had the surgery
Home at last and still feel totally fine. Hope others have a good experience the same as me.
Now 3 weeks later. Still feel fine, never had pain, no discomfort and scars healing well.
Started on pureed food..everything seems to be going very well. Back to work next monday :sigh:
Well these are the stats.
Weight when I started pre-op diet 127.9Kg, Weight as of 25th Jan...113.8Kg so far a nice 14.1kg lost
That's me done
Op day Monday 5th Jan.
Arrived 7:15, as I was 1st to arrive they decided to do me 1st. By 8:30 was done in surgery. 10:30 back in bed and awake..and feeling fine.
Wont bore you with all the details but basically must be a classic case. Absolutely no pain or discomfort. Was out of bed and watching telly by the afternoon. 1st night was fine, although never sleep well when I'm not in my own bed. Usual ops every hour but was fine with it all.
Only prob in morning was blood sugars was 3.9 so they changed my drip. catheter was out by mid early morning, had my x-rays..all going really well..apart from the stuff they give you for the x-ray going through me. Finally had the drip removed in the afternoon, god that was a slow so called 6 hour bag
Saw Mr Decadt (the consultant) in the evening who said I could prob go home now but seeing it was getting late to stay in 1 more night.
Had my yogurt brekkie and my cuppa tea (had tea since last night). Phone parents to pick me up at 11. Had all the usual visists and chats and was ready to go by 11. Was glad to leave, nice hospital but wanted out..still no pain or discomfort at all.
Stayed with my parents until Sat to keep them quiet. Feeling totally fine. Still wondering if I've had the surgery
Home at last and still feel totally fine. Hope others have a good experience the same as me.
Now 3 weeks later. Still feel fine, never had pain, no discomfort and scars healing well.
Started on pureed food..everything seems to be going very well. Back to work next monday :sigh:
Well these are the stats.
Weight when I started pre-op diet 127.9Kg, Weight as of 25th Jan...113.8Kg so far a nice 14.1kg lost
That's me done