Well - Lets give this bad boy a go!!
The idea is you start with 50 squats.
Day 2 - 55
Day 3- 60
Day 4 - Rest
Day 5 - 65
Day 6 - 70
Day 7 -75
Day 8 - Rest
So on and so forth until the 30 days is up and you should be on 200 squats.
Now i'm all for forgetting these stupid fad things but my bum is saggy so what the hey!
Whos in?!
No stupid responses though please
If you think its a terrible idea or will end in me snapping my legs off because its so bad for you - Please keep these comments to yourself 
The idea is you start with 50 squats.
Day 2 - 55
Day 3- 60
Day 4 - Rest
Day 5 - 65
Day 6 - 70
Day 7 -75
Day 8 - Rest
So on and so forth until the 30 days is up and you should be on 200 squats.
Now i'm all for forgetting these stupid fad things but my bum is saggy so what the hey!
Whos in?!
No stupid responses though please