I live alone and found it difficult to make such tiny amounts so I used to buy small tins of stewed steak. The meat is very tender and the gravy is very tasty. I bought tubs of mashed pots from the supermarket and divided it up into two tab lespoon portions and froze it and also did the same with mashed carrot and swede that you can get pre made. I also used to buy cooked chicken and have that shreaded with the potatoes and vegt, always with lots of gravy because you food should be moist to help it pass through your tummy.
I also had lots of soup like most people on here do. I made my own sometimes but a lot of the time had Heinz soups, starting off with Oxtail and Tomato and then moving on to 'lumpy' soups.
Be careful, remember that high fat, high sugar foods will probably make you feel poorly. They still make me feel poorly even though I had my op in late march.
Remember not to drink for an hour or so (approx) before and after a meal.
Congrats on your smashing weight loss so far.
Good luck.
Lynne x