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4 more days!


New Member
I am getting closer to the surgery day and I'm freaking out lol! I know I want this, I want this , I want this!Thats what I keep telling myself . You should see my refrigerator One whole shelf is filled with with 24 to go protein shakes and I have a huge bag of muscle milk powder. I think I'm going to the store to get tons of sugar free jello! I think Im also going to get some chicken flavored protein powder since i like that one the best. It was so sad I spend like 40 bucks on samples to try each flavor and hates all of them besides the chicken flavored weird huh?I can tolerate the chocolate one but I don't like it blah! Any suggestions? I also got my bariatric vitamins the chewable strawberry fusion brand. Those are good. ohh I need some xanax for my nerves
not long now....do some visualisation techniques where you see yourself shopping for smaller clothes and feeling more healthy xxxx should help calm the nerves xxxxx
I'm simply repeating the advice I was given here leading up to my op.... the neervousness is natural, we all felt it, you will be fine.

Of course you want this, it's life changing and so exciting when those lbs start to drop off.
All the very best Amy... will be thinking of you... and look forward to hearing from you and loving hugs on their way to you xxx
I hate all the protein shakes with a vengeance. Fortunately my provider does't recomend them so I don't have to persevere with the horrible things. The protein bars are fine when you reach that stage though.
Not long now Amydoll. Nerves are normal but you'll be fine.xxxx