I had my tuck done at least 5 years ago, It might even be 6 now....whilst I highly recommend having it done, I just want people to make sure they go in with their eyes open. I loved the results and still do but what I found is that it deflected what I didn't like about myself to somewhere else. Make sure you get your head sorted at the same time. I very nearly had a boob job 6 months after my op because I couldn't dislike my tummy anymore. I was a size 36dd, I know crazy huh....it wasn't until I took a long hard look at myself I realised what I was doing. I paid for the tummy tuck myself after saving for 3 years....the boobs were going on a credit card.....good job I opened my eyes....yep my tummy tuck looks like a have a great big bite from a shark, but it is still relatively flat and i have gained lots of weight since then, so if you are fully sure of where your head is at...GO FOR IT...the results will wow you xx