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6days til op....feeling nervous!


New Member
Hi, I am 6 days away from gastric bypass surgery and getting a little nervous. How have other people found it immediately after?? Anything I should be worried about or prepared for? Thanks in advance :)
Hello Sarah
welcome to a fantastic site, loads of very helpful people all more than willing and able to answer any questions you may have , sadly for you I cant answer because like you im due for my bypass in just 13 days time!
Im super excited I wish you luck wuth all you ask for
Thanks for the replys, I guess it's normal to get nervous at this point..... I'm sure il have many more questions when the op is done x
I am truly excited for you. I had my bypass on 9 July last year and stabilised in May this year at a 9 stone loss (size 24 to a 10).

I assume you are currently on the Liver shrinking diet and your provider should give you all the support and information your need for the first few months post-op. No matter how tough, you must stick to their advice for this to work for you. It is a struggle, there is no denying - especially at around three months when you are getting back to solid foods. My experience was total meltdown as everything I tried to eat sent me running to the loo to chuck. It was very distressing and seemed without end - but it did end. I now eat everything but in limited quantities. No matter how hard those days are, nothing beats the fantastic feeling of liberation and confidence as the weight comes off. The physical is not rocket-science (if you can't eat, you will of course lose weight), but the head-thing ... that is something else. In giving-up food as you knew it, you are mourning the loss of your best friend and worst enemy, and discovering the new person inside yourself is overwhelming. But as I say, it is all soooooo worth it. Keep going - the journey is tough but amazing. We are here - any questions, just ask and someone will be along to answer you bet ya. Good luck - and keep us posted xxxx

You can read my diary here - I can't seem to change the title and I am now 14 months post op.
Thank you for sharing with me, it's helpful to hear from people who have already had op.... I am prepared for a rough few months but I know it will be worth it to relieve the health problems I deal with now. If I'm honest my main concerns are to do with constipation after op ( which iv been warned about a lot!!!) and the social side of it all after, alcohol, eating out ect..... Any tips?? X
Thank you for sharing with me, it's helpful to hear from people who have already had op.... I am prepared for a rough few months but I know it will be worth it to relieve the health problems I deal with now. If I'm honest my main concerns are to do with constipation after op ( which iv been warned about a lot!!!) and the social side of it all after, alcohol, eating out ect..... Any tips?? X

I had my bypass on 17 July, I don't know what I was worried about!! Plain sailing, not sore, got up and walked up and down corridor every hour (next day) I'm 7 weeks out and can tolerate all foods, my dietician told me on Thursday that I could try a glass of wind over the weekend but not anything fizzy! I've lost 2 stone since my op, I need to drink more though as I can get dizzy! Don't worry about it, I was petrified and thought I would die but I'm here and happy and healthy with a whole positive outlook!! Listen to your body and you'll be fine! Good luck!!! X
Hi, I am 6 days away from gastric bypass surgery and getting a little nervous. How have other people found it immediately after?? Anything I should be worried about or prepared for? Thanks in advance :)
welcome cant help exactly as im pre op stage all the best sweet heart .Think everyone feels same... I'm nervous and mine not till Nov. let me know how you get on tho you can help me lol through the nervous once your on the other side. X
It is being very helpful thanks. It's funny yesterday I was having all these major doubts yet today I'm thinking of all the good things to come..... Gonna try keep this positive attitude up til Thursday (op day) xx
Hi, I am 6 days away from gastric bypass surgery and getting a little nervous. How have other people found it immediately after?? Anything I should be worried about or prepared for? Thanks in advance :)
I have my op in six days on 12 September and feel just as nervous as you. Really want it done but wonder what it will feel like after? How I'll cope with food? This LSD is hard work. Missing eating normally but got to be done. X
Keep going folks. You are doing well. Trust me, the rewards are beyond dreams, but it is not a magic wand and there are days in those first few months when you are struggling with energy levels, the body is in Ketosis, your breath stinks, your hair is falling out ... And you can't help but think WTF have I done?! But you can see from us on here that we DO make it through, helped by our bypass as you cannot negotiate with your pouch! And the deeply unpleasant consequences of trying to will stop you trying again - yes, we've all done it!

Just think this challenging time is a nano-second on the clockface of life, and where you will be this time next year is (at the moment) probably unimaginable. But start saving now for your 2015 summer wardrobe - you are going to need one!

Onwards and downwards folks. We will budge-up to make room for you on the losers' bench xxxx
Good luck babe. It's normal to have doubts, questions and fears. I was banded nearly two weeks ago and was bricking it. But what's the option...going on as we are ...that just wasn't an option for me...you will do great x
Hi Sarah and good luck hun. I'm just over a year post op and had a fairly easy time in the early post op weeks ..not much pain at all really :) never even required any morphine although I was given intravenous paracetamol under the insistence of the nurses but really didn't think I needed it tbh :)
Sarahjd hi I can't give you any advice as I am also not due until October, but you have joined a great site I have had so much advice up till now everyone is great and they tell you just how it is. Good luck you will be find and before you know it,you will be supporting someone who is about to have there's done. :)
I had the same immediate after-op experience as Frankie. No pain to speak of, just a bit sore around the incisions. Had intravenous painkillers too and was sent home with enough soluble for an army. Never needed to touch them.