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6lb loss in 3 days


New Member
Am happy with that :)

Only because ive been unwell and i have been off my food, but drinking so so so much, Im talking 10+ pints of fluid a day

I have:

high temp ranging between 40-43 despite on nurofen

Ache and pains all over

head pounding

hot and cold sweats, literally dripping

unsteady on feet

light headed

and generally feeling poo :sigh:

My son had a viral which only cam out ina rash and a slight raised temp. this was 3 days ago also
So i think the little darling has given it to me, altho he has been looking after mummy as hes off nursery until the rash has gone completely ... Bless him

Hope everyone is doing well and congrats to all the new loosers xx
"Get Well Soon Chuck" and an excellent weight loss too! xxxxxxxxx
I would still get down the docs and get checked, that temperature is very very high, you should get a official diagnosis...

Well done on the weight loss x
Thankyou, am getting a ring back by the dr xx
Just spoke to the dr and he said it sounds like aheavy viral whats taking its toll on me :( xx
Hi Em,
Sorry your not feeling well, hope you get better soon. I had my band fitted on 9th May, a little later than you and have just had my second fill. I'm finding it a little strange to get used to and have felt quite isolated i.e. no-one i know has had it done. How are you getting on with having a band?
Hope you get better soon Em
Thankyou my lovelies, am feeling semi normal today and the temp has stabalised yay! Day 3 of not feeling hungry but i think i should have some chicken (got one roasting)
Thanks for all the well wishes xxxx