New Member
Well panic over now..it's been and done!
I saw the dietician and i nearly fainted when she said my weight loss was to be as expected and that I shouldn't be so hard on myself and i was doing fine!
She said my diet was fine and so was the quantity
, but I should slow down eating and take 20+ mins to eat a meal...(instead of the 5 or so it take now lol
), plus she advised I do more weight bearing exercise although the water aerobics i am doing now is good.
What surprised me was that she said after 6mths out they would expect me to lose about 1-2 kg a month!! This was a revelation to me! I told her that obviously I wanted to lose more than that...she pointed oput to me that if i lost 1kg a mth for the next year i would lose 2stone...which would bring me into the 13stone bracket....which actually isn't bad although i wish to me in the 10sone bracket! lol
She advised me to do a journal and write 3 nice things every evening that had happened or was said to me, to help improve me self esteem. And that I should just chill out about how much i am or aren't losing and accept that i'm doing great! lol
We got a puppy 2 weeks ago and just waiting for her 2nd lot of jabs to be finished and then i will be walking her day and night for exercise!! :chores016:
I saw the dietician and i nearly fainted when she said my weight loss was to be as expected and that I shouldn't be so hard on myself and i was doing fine!
She said my diet was fine and so was the quantity
What surprised me was that she said after 6mths out they would expect me to lose about 1-2 kg a month!! This was a revelation to me! I told her that obviously I wanted to lose more than that...she pointed oput to me that if i lost 1kg a mth for the next year i would lose 2stone...which would bring me into the 13stone bracket....which actually isn't bad although i wish to me in the 10sone bracket! lol
She advised me to do a journal and write 3 nice things every evening that had happened or was said to me, to help improve me self esteem. And that I should just chill out about how much i am or aren't losing and accept that i'm doing great! lol
We got a puppy 2 weeks ago and just waiting for her 2nd lot of jabs to be finished and then i will be walking her day and night for exercise!! :chores016: