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A better word for dumping?


Love my sleeve!!
My friend asked me what would happen if I ate a mars bar, well i said i'd probably end up dumping, and then she said, what if youre not near a toilet! lol

Such an unfortunate name lol :8855:
Is dumping similar to a pre op sugar rush?
OK so sound the opposite then.

Only had one bad sugar rush and I woke sweating, heart pounding. It was this that prompted me to go to the docs and ask about weight loss surgery. I was at my heaviest and feeling really out of breath just doing easy tasks. Waking with the pulsing heart was just the last straw, I thought I would die soon.
omg!! im so glad youve had the op!!! that must have been well scarey!!
what is dumping then? cause when iv read posts i always thought it was toilet related lol x

Gastric dumping syndrome, or rapid gastric emptying is a condition where ingested foods bypass the stomach too rapidly and enter the small intestine largely undigested. It happens when the upper end of the small intestine, the duodenum, expands too quickly due to the presence of hyperosmolar (substances with increased osmolarity) food from the stomach. "Early" dumping begins concurrently or immediately succeeding a meal. Symptoms of early dumping include nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, dizziness and fatigue. "Late" dumping happens 1 to 3 hours after eating. Symptoms of late dumping include weakness, sweating, and dizziness. Many people have both types. The syndrome is most often associated with gastric surgery.
(i have yet to experience this...but i am sure there will be a day:cry:) xx
My friend asked me what would happen if I ate a mars bar, well i said i'd probably end up dumping, and then she said, what if youre not near a toilet! lol

Such an unfortunate name lol :8855:

lol Caren, it is an odd name, especially when people who arent aware of the term (like most/all of my family and friends) :sigh:
I'm dreading my first dump (cause it's bound to happen sooner or later). I'm praying it's not gonna happen when i'm on my own with my little boy, it sounds like it might scare him just as much as me.

I think I have had mini dumps. The first was 2nd day after surgery, with the protein type drink, and the second was first cheesy mash, when I added some cheddar.

I can feel my heart rate increase, and feel a bit hot. I usually have to go to the loo quickly after about half an hour. I am guessing this is mild dumping?
Yes mild dumping is like a hot flush,through to full dumping when you have some or all the symptoms mentioned by others and have to go lay down for a few hours!Its related to insulin too,going too high after high sweet/carb foods.Some have the runs or loose poop after eating a high fat meal,the body cant absorb the fat so it goes through fast and leaves a greasy film on top of the water in the loo,hard to flush and stinks to high heaven!
Omg! I assumed that dumping was just having to go to the restroom afterwards. It sounds quite awful! I sure am going to be as careful as possible so I can try to avoid this lol. Hopefully I will be successful :) lol
Yes dumping has two meanings in our family I have one kind of dumping :jelous:
and my brother in law always says he's going for the other kind:sick0019:
Omg tha is scary, now if I drink coffee or energy drinks I get the shakes n all hot n light headed, I guess I will go throught this I bloody hope not o :( xx
Yes mild dumping is like a hot flush,through to full dumping when you have some or all the symptoms mentioned by others and have to go lay down for a few hours!Its related to insulin too,going too high after high sweet/carb foods.Some have the runs or loose poop after eating a high fat meal,the body cant absorb the fat so it goes through fast and leaves a greasy film on top of the water in the loo,hard to flush and stinks to high heaven!

you put it ever so nicely :sick0019:
Yes at the moment mine is fat realated, I haven't tried anything sweet really. I am craving Savory food all the time. The little bit of fruit I am having is always diluted with milk as in a shake.

I haven't been far from home Caren, so don't know what would happen if out!

I feel blessed to have got away lightly, I haven't felt sick at all either, and all food is going down really well - sometimes I think I have too much in one go, but who knows what is right. I seem to be loosing weight so something is working ;-)