New Member
As the title of this thread suggests I'm a bit down today....I've been waiting for my 'trio' of appts, dietician, bariatric nurse and psychiatrist.
Received a letter from my Hosp today, and eagerly ripped it open lol to discover my next appts (only 2 out of 3) are for......... 7th Dec

That's over 3 mth time and is 16 weeks since my last appt
Icalled up the L&D about the 'missing' psych, appt and was told there is no psych on Mondays so most probably I wil see them on the next lot of appts after these.....as you can imagine I was thinking...'Oh no even more delay!' but the co ordinator must have ESP as the next sentence was..Don't worry this won't slow up the progress.. aslong as you have seen all team members b4 meeting the surgeon.......Phew!
I don't want to appear ungrateful or impatient but I had November in my mind for next appts
and Feb for operation at the latest...doesn't seem likely now
Sorry to have a moan just needed to vent x
Oh I will be on milk diet over Xmas lol
Received a letter from my Hosp today, and eagerly ripped it open lol to discover my next appts (only 2 out of 3) are for......... 7th Dec
That's over 3 mth time and is 16 weeks since my last appt
Icalled up the L&D about the 'missing' psych, appt and was told there is no psych on Mondays so most probably I wil see them on the next lot of appts after these.....as you can imagine I was thinking...'Oh no even more delay!' but the co ordinator must have ESP as the next sentence was..Don't worry this won't slow up the progress.. aslong as you have seen all team members b4 meeting the surgeon.......Phew!
I don't want to appear ungrateful or impatient but I had November in my mind for next appts
Sorry to have a moan just needed to vent x
Oh I will be on milk diet over Xmas lol