Here you go Lynda ... the reasons why, but it is a small price to pay 
Best get a dog if it embarrasses you to own up to it, lol xx
To get our chuckles out of the way right up front, one of the most common gastric bypass side effects is flatulence. This side effect isn’t discussed much because, well, most people who have undergone gastric bypass surgery are a little embarrassed to talk about their problem with excessive farting. So then, let’s get it out in the open: After gastric bypass surgery, you are likely to have excessive and malodorous gas.
The reason this happens: After gastric bypass surgery, your system doesn’t digest food quite as well as it used to. This is called malabsorptive syndrome. In fact, the word “bypass” in the term “gastric bypass” refers to the fact that the food “bypasses” much of the normal digestion process. The result of this is that, once the food reaches your colon, the enzymes and bacteria will be doing double time to break the food down. The primary by-product of an overactive colon is, of course, gas. Okay, so it’s not that big a deal, really. The average adult is said to fart around fourteen times each day, and as many as 20 to 40 times throughout the night, when the body is more relaxed… What’s a few more farts on top of that?
After gastric bypass surgery, you will be on a much healthier diet than the average person sticks to. One might think this could reduce the frequency of gaseous interruptions, but unfortunately, and surprisingly, the opposite holds true. The healthiest foods include beans, fruit, oatmeal, and vegetables, and these are also the foods that tend to create the most flatulent gas. You do have a few options, however, to help deal with the extra flatulence that occurs as a result of gastric bypass surgery: Coughing while passing wind, blaming it on the dog, or playing constant games of “pull my finger”. Okay but seriously! You do have options to help avoid the embarrassment of excessive flatulence:
Spices and garnishes
Spicy foods are often seen as the most malodorous offenders, but some spices and foods can actually help reduce flatulence. These include curry, peppers, flax seed, and kelp.