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A new joiner from Cheshire


New Member
Came across this site by accident when trying to get an answer to a question on the internet! I had my roux en-y bypass on 10 June this year. Started dieting in January though in the hope that the local PCT would pay, how wrong I was so paid myself. Have recovered well and been back at work for 2 weeks with no ill effects. Finding it a bit hard to get 2 litres of fluid down when sipping and i found out the hard way about sipping when I forgot and took a big gulp. Not had any dumping at all but was very full after about 1 1/2 scrambled eggs with cheese! Have lost 26 lbs since surgery and am really pleased with that. I do find it a bit hard relating meal times to not being hungry but that's all in the head and I'm sure will change in time.

Hiya Phil and welcome :)
You will find this site is a wealth of information and support, and the people are fantastic ;)
Glad you have recovered well and are now adjusting to your new way of life.
I am starting my pre op diet tomorrow with the op on 12th, so it will be good to follow your diary and see how you are doing.
Look forward to hearing more from you xxxx
Welcome to the forum Phil, your weight loss surgery world has just gotten more rich and less daunting because of finding this forum! That probably sounds silly but this is a seriously brilliant place, there is nothing like tapping into the experience of actual weight loss surgery patients to make the journey more bearable, so good on you for finding us and joining. If you have any questions, however silly or obvious you feel they may be, just ask away and someone will help you.
Im also from Cheshire, Widnes actually, where abouts are you?
Steph xx
Hi Phil and :welcome: to this brilliant place for advice and support. You are doing great after your surgery, well done X
Hi Phil and welcome
This is the place to ask any questions to get good honest answers from.
Be good to here about your journey as time goes by
All the best
hi Phil
well let me say well done on finding us i think we are a friendly bunch not been here that long myself but its a great site ................. Secondly brilliant weight lose well done again.
I will soon be joining on the byass journey my op being the 20th July on charring cross London x
welcome phil
Hi Phil and welcome to the forums. I'm sure you'll find them a great help for any questions you have or advice you may need.
Hi Phil,

welcome, this site is great and the people are really friendly and helpful.
