Hi all
I'm new to all this and hoping to find people to share my journey with the good,bad and the ugly :sigh:
31st July 2012 - Gp Referral
10th August - 1st appointment at Walsall Manor Hospital with surgeon
Appointment went well.could not see the dietitian as it was her day off so appointment booked for group session. Pre-op bloods taken and appointments made for a Barium Swallow X-ray and a sleep apnia test . Funding not in place but Mr Khan said he feels hopeful it will be put in place.
The ball move very fast in 10days
29th August - Barium Swallow it was not as bad as i thought it would be after all the storys people told me lol. All was fine no problem.
19th September - Group session
23rd October - Sleep Apnia test - positive for sleep apnia
My life is so much better now i have my cpap machine could not be without it. I have more get up and go and i am not falling asleep all the time.
1st November - Collected my cpap machine
9th November - First appointment with Dr Kendrick (physiologist)
Weight 21st 2lb . He wants a 6lb loss by next appointment.
18th January 2013 - Second appointment with Dr Kendrick
I'm now 20st
and have been signed off he dose not want to see me for 10mths. He also said my funding has come
happy days. He said i should get a slot for the beginning of March the beginning of April and i will be getting 2 letters in a week or so to meet the nurses and see the anesatist followed but the pre-op diet.
Well that is everything so far
I'm new to all this and hoping to find people to share my journey with the good,bad and the ugly :sigh:
31st July 2012 - Gp Referral
10th August - 1st appointment at Walsall Manor Hospital with surgeon
Appointment went well.could not see the dietitian as it was her day off so appointment booked for group session. Pre-op bloods taken and appointments made for a Barium Swallow X-ray and a sleep apnia test . Funding not in place but Mr Khan said he feels hopeful it will be put in place.
The ball move very fast in 10days
29th August - Barium Swallow it was not as bad as i thought it would be after all the storys people told me lol. All was fine no problem.
19th September - Group session
23rd October - Sleep Apnia test - positive for sleep apnia
My life is so much better now i have my cpap machine could not be without it. I have more get up and go and i am not falling asleep all the time.
1st November - Collected my cpap machine
9th November - First appointment with Dr Kendrick (physiologist)
Weight 21st 2lb . He wants a 6lb loss by next appointment.
18th January 2013 - Second appointment with Dr Kendrick
I'm now 20st
Well that is everything so far