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Hey Guys!
I'm new to this site but really need some advice.

As most of you on this site understand, the fight to get fit and lose weight is near impossible without surgery...or so it seems.

I'm in the UK and I'm only 17 years old! I'm in my second year at college, going to University in September (fingers crossed!)

Two years ago, my mum had a BMI of near 50 and before the NHS cuts, she was offered a gastric band which she accepted.

Over two and a half years, my mum lost 12 stone through the band and exercise. Shes done extremely well and its been amazing to watch her confidence grow and her self belief rise. About two years in to the whole process, her band was too tight and she started to develop acid etc. Her band had to be totally relaxed. Then a few weeks ago, I was at the hospital with her because she could FINALLY get her band filled again! :):):)!!!

I said I really wanted a band because I've struggled since I was really little with my weight and that I know no matter what, I will always struggle with my weight. I thought, wow... that would really set me up with life. I wouldn't have to worry about going out with my friends or even panic when I'm in public. I'd be able to shop where I wanted and well you know all of the health reasons!

I was absolutely gobsmacked when my parents said they could come up with the money for weight loss surgery for me. (A gastric band.)

My BMI is 48 :( and I'm inbetween sizes of 22/24/26 at the height of 5'8. I'm 100% on board with this op and I'm totally ready for the huge change. I just really want peoples opinions!

Hope you're all doing well & thank you!

Lydia-Joy xx
well I am 67 and struggled with weight all my life. I am having a gastric wrap in Prague in February. You must do what you want to make your life as full as possible, especially as you are so young.
Welcome to the site Lydia. I think if this is something you really want to do and your parents are supporting you all the way, the i wuld like to say good luck honey xxx
Lydia: If your mother is big (was big) and you are too, there is obviously something in the family eating habits that needs addressing too. A gastric band is only a tool, you will have to sort out your eating and start eating healthily. Any kind of weight loss surgery can be cheated on. I have even heard of people pureeing mars bars and cream cakes to get them through the band!!

But other than that small word of warning, go for it girl! Most of us on here would agree that we wish we'd have done our surgery sooner! You have that option in front of you.
Hi LydiaJoy

:welcome2: to the site.

I wish I'd had the opportunity of a band at your age... I'd have snatched it with both hands. I've been overweight since I was eight years old and have been yo-yoing every since...

If you are confident that you will be able to work with the band then I'd say go for it; sounds like you have an excellent role model in your mother and support from your parents will be essential.

Both my parents died due to weight-related complications, mum at 50 and dad at 60 (I'm 41 so don't have much time left!) - I'm sure they would be behind me every step of the way if they were still here.

I wouldn't wish being overweight on my worst enemy - it sucks! - and I wish that I'd had the opportunity to have better help than a 'diet sheet' all those years ago.

You go for it - and good luck! :)
welcome if i had the chance to get a band at your age i would have jumped at it as long as its what you want and you got the support go for it x
It can only help if you work with it so having the band and not changing your eating and life style wont give you the results but do that with the band and you can have a new life without a lifetime of being fat and unfit, your parents are stars for this chance, good luck hun xxxxx
i think it's a fantastic opportunity especially as you are hoping to go to university and so will have no hang ups and can just be confident in your life there, your mum is an inspiration and your dad obviously so supportive of you both , take care and as you know follow the rules and i'm sure you will be absolutely fine xx
a fantastic opportunity, go for it while you are young and have your whole life ahead of you, dont struggle like a lot of us did throughout our lives, im 50 now and wish i'd started this journey years ago, good luck honey :) xxx
Hi Hun n welcome I'd say grab it with both hands the younger u get ur life bk the better :) n ur mum as dun excellent and I'm sure I've seen her change her habits ect so ull no exactly wots needed of u to make ur tool work good luck in wot ever u decide Hun look forward to readin how u get on ;) xx
I would say you know the ups and downs as you have seen your mum go through a life with a band. You also have support which is wonderful. I would grab the chance with both hands if it was me.
I am 28 and just had WLS I wish I had it sooner as I have spent years wanting to be a mum and my weight stopped me (shut down my fertility). Don't let your weight stop you doing anything hun grab this chance and enjoy your life.
Hi Sweetheart ... What a lucky girl you are :) not going to preach to you re eating habits as if your mum has lost an amazing 12 stone, I guess you know all there is to know about the right & wrong ways to use your band. Wishing you all the luck in the world & enjoy your time at Uni, lovely xxx :):)