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advise on the right op for me


New Member
;) hello again.
can i ask for your thoughts and the decision you chose.
i am due to see the surgeon and i am open to what he feels will be the best op for me, however i would love to hear ur stories on what op u went for and why.
also to advise me, what op u think i should have.
i am a volume eater i am 5ft 2" exercise little but eat as if i am a 6ft 4" lumber jack who has chopped logs all day!!!!:p
so i eat lots but only at meal times i dont graze also i eat sweet things
thanks kate
;) hello again.
can i ask for your thoughts and the decision you chose.
i am due to see the surgeon and i am open to what he feels will be the best op for me, however i would love to hear ur stories on what op u went for and why.
also to advise me, what op u think i should have.
i am a volume eater i am 5ft 2" exercise little but eat as if i am a 6ft 4" lumber jack who has chopped logs all day!!!!:p
so i eat lots but only at meal times i dont graze also i eat sweet things
thanks kate

hi kate i cant advise you what op to have as it personal choice and your surgeon will recommend what he thinks is best. i was also a volume eater with a sweet tooth i was offered either he recommended bypass but i opted for banding, i could not face the seriousness or finality of bypass it just wasnt for me i went with what felt right for me and dont regret it at all good luck
Hi Kate

I originally wanted a band like serenity, and was offered both, and like you both i was a volume eater and not really a sweet eater !
But when i talked it all through with my consultant he recommended i went for a bypass due ot my BMI and weight, stating the bypass would work better for me.
Unlike Serenity i like the finaility of the bypass, i cant go back, and its a bit harder to cheat the bypass than a band, plus for me the thought of having a foriegn body inside me spooked me out a bit, and couldn't be bothered with all the band fills and let downs. But as Serenity said, its a personal choice for everyone !
i was also a volume eater, so the band is perfect for learning portion control, as for the sweet foods it depends on how much of them you consume to whether the surgeon will advise a band or bypass, as the band will not stop you eating sugary or fried foods ect.

good luck with your descison

liz x

Hi Kate

I originally wanted a band like serenity, and was offered both, and like you both i was a volume eater and not really a sweet eater !
But when i talked it all through with my consultant he recommended i went for a bypass due ot my BMI and weight, stating the bypass would work better for me.
Unlike Serenity i like the finaility of the bypass, i cant go back, and its a bit harder to cheat the bypass than a band, plus for me the thought of having a foriegn body inside me spooked me out a bit, and couldn't be bothered with all the band fills and let downs. But as Serenity said, its a personal choice for everyone !

Same here. Richard has it bang on the money for me.
For me, I never wanted a bypass. It has not been proved it is more sucessful, it carries more risks, you spend your life with nutrion problems that need vitamins to rectify and the mortality and complication rate was higher. So the option I chose was a band.

But that was my personal choice and in no way reflect that if you chose a bypass that is the wrong choice for you.

I like the fact that the band helps you to reduce portion size dramatically. I was a volume eater with a leaning towards sweet things and so far its working for me. I have no regrets on my choice.
For me, I was fairly certain I wanted the bypass before I saw the Dr at the hospital. He assured me that it was the right choice for me as I too have a sweet tooth and also like fatty foods like pastry, cakes etc. These can easily be washed through the band and thats a chance Im not willing to take.

Also I have seen too many failures with the band whilst doing my research. I am viewing this as my final opportunity to beat my weight problem an I dont think (in my case) that a band would be enough to help me beat my demons.
For me, I was fairly certain I wanted the bypass before I saw the Dr at the hospital. He assured me that it was the right choice for me as I too have a sweet tooth and also like fatty foods like pastry, cakes etc. These can easily be washed through the band and thats a chance Im not willing to take.
Also I have seen too many failures with the band whilst doing my research. I am viewing this as my final opportunity to beat my weight problem an I dont think (in my case) that a band would be enough to help me beat my demons.

No what you mean i originally went to dr khan with the wish for a band but he said it would be no good for me as i could bath in chocolate.
For me, I was fairly certain I wanted the bypass before I saw the Dr at the hospital. He assured me that it was the right choice for me as I too have a sweet tooth and also like fatty foods like pastry, cakes etc. These can easily be washed through the band and thats a chance Im not willing to take.

Also I have seen too many failures with the band whilst doing my research. I am viewing this as my final opportunity to beat my weight problem an I dont think (in my case) that a band would be enough to help me beat my demons.

sam does have a vaild point, it does seem to be much harder to lose the excess weight with a band, you have to work at the control side a lot more than a bypass watching food and counting calories, if you eat to much sugery or fatty foods with a bypass you dump, it seems far easier to cheat with a band !
Statistically you will lose more with a bypass, if you have a lot to lose you need that extra bit, only losing 50% of my excess weight would have left me still obese as i had a high start weight !

The vitimins are not really a big deal, i'd rather take a handfull of vits every day than be fat for the rest of my life ! Health wise everythings been positive so far, i have energy to do things, i can walk literally miles, swim and cycle, now - besides the vitamins do have a positive side, since starting them i'v enot had a cold or sore throat dispite everyone around me going down with them !

Bands fail, slip and leak, with band adjustments, and let downs etc it all seemed like far to much bother for me !

Just my opinion though !
after lots of research and speaking to people i also wanted a bypass as i could quiet easily eat chocolate and sweets all day and not really bother with normal food. I can also eat lots although i am learning to listen to my body when its full. I felt that i do not have the will power to have a band as i know that i can still eat cake and choc and other things that slide through the band. I too would use the needing a fill as a reason to eat like a pig until my fills. Again this was a personnal choice and required me too honestly look at my eating habits and why i eat what i do and when i eat.

you need to do lots of research, listen to your surgeon ask questions and then make an informed decission because at the end of the day its you that has to live with it not us. If you do the right research you will know which is the right op for you.
sam does have a vaild point, it does seem to be much harder to lose the excess weight with a band, you have to work at the control side a lot more than a bypass watching food and counting calories, if you eat to much sugery or fatty foods with a bypass you dump, it seems far easier to cheat with a band !
Statistically you will lose more with a bypass, if you have a lot to lose you need that extra bit, only losing 50% of my excess weight would have left me still obese as i had a high start weight !

The vitimins are not really a big deal, i'd rather take a handfull of vits every day than be fat for the rest of my life ! Health wise everythings been positive so far, i have energy to do things, i can walk literally miles, swim and cycle, now - besides the vitamins do have a positive side, since starting them i'v enot had a cold or sore throat dispite everyone around me going down with them !

Bands fail, slip and leak, with band adjustments, and let downs etc it all seemed like far to much bother for me !

Just my opinion though !

I have to totally agree with Silversurfer.After struggling for so many years I didn't want to take the chance with a Band and couldn't be on with the fills and the thought of it being inside me.I wanted something permanent and a life long, not something that I could get took out and end up being fat again.But as others have said, Its a personal choice and this is just my opinion and I wish you all the very best of luck with whatever you decide.x
Bands fail, slip and leak, with band adjustments, and let downs etc it all seemed like far to much bother for me !

Just my opinion though !

i have a band and yes this comment is very true as ive had more than my fair share of these band problems.
The 1st time i wasnt given a choice, when my 1st band failed i did ask if i could be bypassed instead of been given a new band, they said no as my bmi was now to low for a pass, so i went ahead with band no2, dont get me wrong i love been banded and im very greatful to of had this opertunity especially on the nhs as funding is becoming harder & harder to get as the demand for wls increases.
I have a BMI of 54 and a very sweet tooth and like to gorge on food so I think the bypass would be better for me. Hubby would rather I had the band (less risk of dying he thinks). I change my mind day to day on which op to have. I hope when I see Shaw Somers things will become clearer!!! One thing does worry me after reading other people's posts.........when I see him will he then refer me to a weight management team before he will operate? Also, cos I don't have other probs like sleep anopea (you know what I mean!) will that count against me? I feel I am so close to my dream that I'm afraid to close my eyes in case I lose sight of it!
know what u mean

;) hon i know exactly what u mean! one minute im going for the band next the bypass. i think the bypass is def the right op for me considering my eating habits. when are u hoping to see mr somers? i am waiting for my ititial app with either him or a collegue should hear no later than may as they are only just sending out opp dor june 08 and i was reffered aug 08. god i hope he doesnt send me to a dieticion or similar i have tried everything!!!! like you my dream to finally have a tool to not only lose weight but keep it off if so close. hate all this waiting my bmi is around 49/50. have you already seen him or do u have ur app through?
Hi pmkmrm. Well funding was granted end of July 08 so I guess that means referral too? I had a phone call from the hospital about 2 weeks ago checking all my details and was I still interested in surgery. Then they were gonna pass my details onto appointments.
Whereabouts in East Sussex are you? I'm in Eastbourne.