sam does have a vaild point, it does seem to be much harder to lose the excess weight with a band, you have to work at the control side a lot more than a bypass watching food and counting calories, if you eat to much sugery or fatty foods with a bypass you dump, it seems far easier to cheat with a band !
Statistically you will lose more with a bypass, if you have a lot to lose you need that extra bit, only losing 50% of my excess weight would have left me still obese as i had a high start weight !
The vitimins are not really a big deal, i'd rather take a handfull of vits every day than be fat for the rest of my life ! Health wise everythings been positive so far, i have energy to do things, i can walk literally miles, swim and cycle, now - besides the vitamins do have a positive side, since starting them i'v enot had a cold or sore throat dispite everyone around me going down with them !
Bands fail, slip and leak, with band adjustments, and let downs etc it all seemed like far to much bother for me !
Just my opinion though !