New Member
Hi guys, Ive just had some really good news although it could really have gone either way. Bit of background - my daughter is a dietician in the RVI in Newcastle Upon Tyne. She has always insisted my portion sizes are too big and I pick between meals (Moi? Never !) She has tried to help me but God love her I have fought her every step of the way insisting that Im different, theres something wrong inside me, the button that needs to be switched into diet mode isnt working, my metabolism isnt working etc etc. No, she would say you just eat too much blah blah. I think she gave up in the end. So when I suggested a gastric band wellll you would have thought I had suggested cutting off my own legs. so I let it go - didnt mention it for a while and in the meantime booked the surgery, flights, hotel etc knowing full well I would have to tell her. OMG I felt like I was 9 and had to fess us to stealing a bubbly. So I took my mum over to see Nola (my daughter) a couple of weekends ago for her 80th birthday and it took me until the sunday evening to tell Nola I had it booked and do you know what - she was fine!! after all my worries and dreads about telling her too. And also one of her best friends is a bariatric nurse! brill. She has been away for a week in spain with her friend and apparently has a load of info for me (which is brill because my provider hasnt provided!) so Im much more happy and confident now about the surgery and the fact that its all out in the open - oh apart from my mum I havent told her - Im afraid of what she will say. No Im not 12 but Im still afraid.