Hi all, come out of hospital today and now im at home. i feel like i can recover better here. well on the day of my op i was the first one to go down i was not nervous at all about the op it's self, just daft little things like having to wear that horrible gown and socks. anyway 1 minute your talking away to doctors and nurses then your out for the count until you wake up in the recovery bay and the nurses asking you if you are alright. i felt pain straight away in my back could'nt feel it anywhere eles. im not used to sleeping on my back that's why i had that pain. that pain lasted the rest of the day and no amount of pain killers got rid of that. i did drift in and out of sleep and each time i woke up i had a different pain either in my tummy or in my shoulders. even the next morning i was still in discomfort but by the afternoon i was getting better. had a bowl of porridge the day i was leaving hospital and a cup of tea. waited for my tablets and the doctors and nurses to do they rounds then i could leave. so in all it was what i expected. these people who say they had no pain are really lucky..but then i am so lucky too just to of been given this operation and im so grateful to sunderland hospital, b25 doctors and nurses A BIG THANK