Haha Mickie it just hits the muscles a different way. I remember my first spin class, oh my god it was horrendous but I got through it somehow LOL this is what I posted after my first class..................
Flushed with success from my three mile run on a previous gym session I thought it was time to stop chuffing around and get my saggy arse on a spin bike saddle. I've been using the stat bikes at my gym for a while and stupidly figured well one bike is much like another right? wrong. Very very wrong
My personal trainer Lee (Who is now going out with my daughter but that's another story) said "don't worry Karl if you have a heart attack I'll get Andrea to give you the
kiss of life" Now I have to say that did sound kind of fun to be honest, however I climbed the stairs to the top floor in a state of blind panic.
My nervousness was intensified when I looked up to find nineteen young, fit, very serious looking ladies sat astride these implements of torture known as spin bikes. I put my sippy bottle in the holder of the last remaining bike. Yeppers you guessed it, right in the middle of the lot of them. The leader said do you know how to operate the emergency stop? now hearing the term emergency did nothing to ease my fears, "erh no it's my first time" said your erstwhile hero.
Well once the laughter and calls of "oh lovely fresh meat" (They all laughed out loud when I said my meat hadn't been fresh for over thirty years) and "Oooo a spin virgin" had died down; one of the young lovelies showed me how to adjust everything and whispered that I should just go at my own pace and not worry about keeping up with the rest. "Oh, Andrea's classes are killers so just take it easy." She was too polite to add with you being an old chuffer and all. She didn't have to we all took it as read
CDs loaded in the stereo, peddle clips adjusted it was time for the off.
A gentle pace for the first two minutes lulled me into a total sense of false security. By the time the five minute mark was up my legs felt like they no longer belonged to me, and I could taste blood in my mouth as my lungs screamed for air like an asthmatic 60 a day smoker walking up hill.
Ten minutes in I thought I was going to die. I found myself going through a checklist of changes I'd meant to make to my last will and testament, and wondering who would turn up at my wake. My knees were on fire, my tailbone was throbbing, and the pain in my lungs reminded me of the pleurisy attack I'd had ten years earlier. How long do we have left? I gasped to the gorgeous twenty something next to me who hadn't even broken sweat, whilst I had a lake spreading out from the base of my bike, Hearing her tell me it was a 45 minute class not the 30 I had thought it was nearly made me barf :cry:
fifteen minutes in I actually started to enjoy it. I was keeping up with the girlies, and they were encouraging me on with their kind smiles and words. They probably thought if he keels over how do we get him downstairs
After what seemed like forever it was over. We went through the post class stretching and the only problem I had was cramp in my calves that threatened to make me scream out like a plonker.
I'd made it, kept up and everyone including the leader said I'd done great and that they looked forward to seeing me at the Monday class. In the end I found that I'd rather enjoyed it. My knees hurt much less than they had after my three mile run though the muscles of my legs were on fire, and I could still taste blood for hours after; read on to see if I turned up or bottled it on Monday
Well did I go?
Well flushed with the relative success of my first foray into the world of Spin I decided to sign up for another class the next Monday evening. I was led into a sense of false security by one of the young lovelies from the first class who told me that the Monday night classes were easier.
I even went out on the Sunday and bought a new track suit and matching t shirt to replace the scruffy stuff I usually weight train in. I've always believed that one should look the part even if one is so far out of one's depth that one's bottom is clenched tighter than a camel's backside in a sand storm as they climb the stairs to the class area.
Said young lovely smiled and said "oh you came back well done you". I reminded her that it was as a result of her telling me that this class was suitable for old chuffers with dodgy knees and a heart that only beats intermittently. She smiled and said "just remember to take it easy and if you're getting pooped turn the resistance down". "Oh said young nubile, get on the bike next to me if you like". Well for a fleeting moment my heart raced until she added with what can only be described as a wicked grin, "Cos when they say you have to go quicker than the person next to you I want an easy win" Laugh? I nearly cried

We are actually good gym mates now several months on, she's a lovely kid
Safe to say however she had lied. This class was run by a young, super fit, handsome boy who seemed to take an instant dislike to my new track suit and was determined to ruin it with the three gallons of sweat that he caused me to leak out over the next 45 minutes. I kid you not I got off that implement of abject torture and I'd forgotten how to walk. My legs refused to carry me down the four flights of stairs and out to my car. I have no idea how I got there, or home, or to work the next day, and how people were not swept away by the rivers of sweat that I shed is beyond me
"You did brilliantly did you find that easier" asked the sweet young thing with the wicked glint in her eyes. Not as such, I think you lied to me said your erstwhile hero. She burst out laughing and said "well if I'd said it was a killer you might not have come again and I like seeing someone here who finds it harder than me, the others are a bit serious and don't joke like you do" I informed her that she was confusing humor with hysteria and that I looked forward to seeing her at the class on Friday. See now I was lying too
In all honesty I love it. I'm usually at least ten years older than most of the class unless Val is with me, but despite that I held my own and kept up with all but the fittest, and outpaced lots of youngsters half my age. Though Val kicks my butt every time when she goes
I'll try to fit in two or three sessions a week around my weight lifting days that are my favourites and important in my quest to regain some muscle mass.
So keep it up Mickie it does become more fun, though to be honest since I've been going there are now sometimes as many blokes as woman on some classes and as they are all younger than me I don't care for it LOL
I can't say it gets easier as it really shouldn't as you simply increase the tension and pace as you get fitter so it should always be hard, but if you are not feeling it that day you can goof off a little
Good luck with it mate