New Member
I haven't been on here for a while as I have been quite busy with my new life - firstly, I got engaged (WOOOHOO) which resulted in a party of course - was so great to see people that I hadn't seen for a while and receive lots of compliments on my weight loss
- I have attached some piccies for you to nose at...
I have also just returned from 2 weeks at my Mums in the Sth of France - it was so nice to finally get on a flight and not require an extension belt and I even had space either side of me in the seat
- and whilst I was there I swam, cycled, rode one of my Mums horses (haven't done that since I was 15!), helped her build a fence and managed to do the daily 'poo pick' after 3 horses and 3 ponies - a big job I can tell you and something I would've hated doing a few stone again - needless to say with all the exercise and despite induldging a little (I was on holiday after all) - I still managed to lose 6 lbs!
Anyway, back to reality now and work (booohooo) - roll on August and my next holiday - hopefully another stone lighter! xx

I have also just returned from 2 weeks at my Mums in the Sth of France - it was so nice to finally get on a flight and not require an extension belt and I even had space either side of me in the seat
Anyway, back to reality now and work (booohooo) - roll on August and my next holiday - hopefully another stone lighter! xx