I have been thinking about this today. I went out and had a coffee with a member of this site this week. I wore my favourite pair of jeans which were very tight post op but are now a comfortable fit. Today I put them on to go out and they felt so loose I had to look for a belt. I haven't had to wear a belt for about two years now. Not quite sure what is going on but I am happy because something is happening. Our bodies are funny things and I suppose it can let go of weight in all sorts of ways.
Then I thought some more and realised for me what this is about is not about the stones and pounds but my health. Yes I have to be lighter to resolve my health issues and longer term that has to be the aim. If it takes some time to do, then so be it - as long as I get there in the end.
This is a personal journey for each and everyone of us. We are going to lose weight at different rates and different time scales. For me I want to try and enjoy the journey - I am learning so much more about myself as the days go by. My experience immediately post op taught me that the scales can become your biggest enemy - which is why I am leaving them to gather dust in the corner of my bathroom
