New Member
hi everyone well one month has gone by so fast since my op it was on the 10th of november.ive lost around 12kgs so nearly 2 stone in a month (i lost around 15kgs before my op aswell) so all in all ive lost about 27kg's that's about 4 stone's in 2 month's. and ive not really been too active it's only been in the last week or so that i can get out and about walking.i had 10 wound's to heal and 46 staple's waiting to be taken out god i do feel so much better now since they were taken out.i weigh myself about once every three day's when i do i lose around 1kg so if i can keep that up i'll be really happy oh well that's about it from me for now hope everone has a great christmas and have a thin new year