Loves a Chat!
hi guys havent been on this week have been to blackpool for the week
dont even ask about the weather!!
Anyway you probably wont remember but my last fill was back in june and 6 days after it i had to have and urgent defill as i couldnt even drink!! had a quarter of a ml removed felt better immediately. any how have been losing 3-5lb per week since then and have felt that i was still probs a little on the tight side but i wasnt willing to have anymore removed as the weight was really shifting
not sensible really! so got to blackpool last sunday all was fine until tuesday since then i have been incapable of keeping any sort of food or liquid down i persevered with fluids hoping it would settle no joy so rang cardiff clinic who arranged for me to be seen at dolan park as it was on my way home today. so the other 0.25ml of my half ml fill from june was removed today and i feel so much better am now going to see how i go for a while as i have been soooo restricted this last 3 months not sure what weight loss will be like now. gotta weigh in the morning sorry for ramble guys
Anyway you probably wont remember but my last fill was back in june and 6 days after it i had to have and urgent defill as i couldnt even drink!! had a quarter of a ml removed felt better immediately. any how have been losing 3-5lb per week since then and have felt that i was still probs a little on the tight side but i wasnt willing to have anymore removed as the weight was really shifting