Hi Farzu
It must be so frustrating for you but I actually met Diane last week (when I went with my hubby for his post op 3 month check up) and she's a lovely lady and totally on top of all the bariatric admin. She'll do whatever she can to sort stuff but obviously is constricted to your PCT agreeing to the funding.
Have you tried contacting your GP/surgery to see if they can give you any answers? They can find out directly from the PCT if the funding has been approved, or if they can let you know when you can expect to get a decision if not yet.
I hope it all goes well and you hear soon, it's hard playing the waiting game but fingers crossed you get the answers you want.
Sicknote - I agree with Sydenham, the whole bnraiatric team at Homerton have been great. My hubby had a straight forward bypass in Feb, mine was abandoned due to some issues (I won't go into it all now but it's all on my previous threads in end Feb/March) and my surgery is now June. Everyone we've both seen at Homerton, dieticians, consultants, nurses, etc have all been really good, can't fault them at all.