I had surgery (sleeve) 6 days ago and can only manage 2 to 3 teaspoons of pureed food. My dietician advised me to take my time eating - even if my entire meal is on tablespoon rather than a plate
. After only 2 half teaspoon portions I stop as I think the sensation I feel in my stomach is letting me know to stop. I don't know for sure as all these feelings are new to me and I just don't want to stretch or aggrivate my sleeve in any way so I'm being extra careful.
Thing is, I can't find any info/rules re. sipping fluids
and now I'm finding that after just a few sips of fluids, my stomach is reacting in the same way as if I'd had a few teaspoons of pureed food.
I'm trying to retrain myself to not gulp my drinks - something I always did - but is there timescale between sips I should be adearing to or are the signals my stomach is sending me not a sign that I'm full?
Thing is, I can't find any info/rules re. sipping fluids
and now I'm finding that after just a few sips of fluids, my stomach is reacting in the same way as if I'd had a few teaspoons of pureed food.
I'm trying to retrain myself to not gulp my drinks - something I always did - but is there timescale between sips I should be adearing to or are the signals my stomach is sending me not a sign that I'm full?