Hi,i have been reading all your stories for weeks now,getting much valulable,advise,i think this place is so wonderfull i thought id join,my first ask is ,if any one is waiting to go to st richards at chichester or has recentlly been there,how long they have been on waiting list for....
Can't help with the hospital. I think though that Olsbols and a few others have been there, so if you search the forum you might find some threads on it. From memory something tells me the wait is about 6 months.
i had my op there fantastic hospital when i had mine done once your funding in place you get consultation app and surgery is 5 mnths after if the waiting list i still the same . i live about ten mins from it so if you want to meet up when you go clinic give me a shout
Hi orchid
I'm waiting to hear from St Richards. Was referred and had funding approved end of July 2008 and was told it would be at least Jan 2009 before I heard from them. Just have to be patient now although it is frustrating! My mind is so focussed on having the op I can't think of anything else!
hang in there guys it feels like you will never hear anything then you get a call and a few weeks later it all systems go lol im waiting ona fill appointment but im impatient will ring and ask for one if i dont get one soon hehehe
I was done at St Richies, and from first speaking to my GP about surgery to the day I got on the operating table was exactly (to the day) 11 months which included being refused for funding twice and going to appeal. My funding was granted on the 21st February and I had my pre op consultation on the 4th July before having surgery on the 17th July. xx
Update - St richards are still seeing June's referrals - this was the case early Jan as well. I also got referred late July but they have me on August referral as that is when they processed me so it seems you may eb the month after your GP wrote to confirm funding etc.
be patient girls we will get there
Thanks for the update Starry. I had to go and see my doctor on Tuesday and he asked if I'd heard from St Richards yet? Looks like it will be another 2 months before I hear then.
Just got an email in reply to mine from Christine- its still gonna be a while before I hear - there are lots of people before me apparently. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a phone call from St Richards yesterday. Asked if I was still at the same address and still with the same doctor. Was I still interested in bariatric surgery (YES!!!!). Ok, we will pass your details on to Appointments. At last, things are starting to move!!!
Hi. I am waiting for an appointment at St Richards. I received a letter at the beginning of Jan to say that they have allocated funding but that my inital appointment will be 6 or 7 months for the initial out-patients app. Cant wait!
hiya i had my gastric bypass last month well 4 weeks ago on tuesday by the lovely shaw sommers the hospital is wonderful and the staff on the ward you couldnt ask for better people to be taking care of you shaw also comes round every evening or morning after the op to check on your progress which is great! i got my refferal last may got my initial meet last sep and pre op on 29th jan but tbh i think they may of sped mine up a bit due to me being on the next series of fat doctor and the producers speeding up the progress to do filming within schedules etc.
"My funding was granted on the 21st February and I had my pre op consultation on the 4th July before having surgery on the 17th July"
"i got my refferal last may got my initial meet last sep and pre op on 29th jan"
Why do I feel that since I got accepted for funding, the waiting list seems to have extended considerably???? It is SO frustrating to read people who have been seen quicker than I have. Oh well, back to the Mars Bar...LOL!
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