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anyone wanted one procedure and ended up getting another



saw mr wan at st georges today, when i went to my gp i had wanted a band, after speaking with me, he feels that a bypass would benefit me more. felt a bit disappointed, but i feel that they know best and i will go with whatever they decide.
Hi I originally wanted the band they suggested the bypass I bottled it and had the balloon and never lost a pound! Then I knew the ban was not the right option got my head around it researched non atop about the bypass all focused for the bypass and came back from theatre with a sleeve lol there was complications so had to have the sleeve ! I would personally follow the teams advice they know what suits lifestyles best and if u are honest with them about your lifestyle then it should work

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Hi Paula, This happens a lot ... once you describe your eating habits to the surgeon he will then make a decision based on this. I wanted a band initially but the surgeon knew straight away that i was more suited to a bypass & luckily he has been proved right :) Good luck, honey xxx :)
Hi Paula

I knew the band was the best for me, my provider agreed and thats what I had!

It suited my eating habits - I was a volume, savoury foods eater. Now I cant eat great volumes and I no longer eat the things I ate the most of (rice and pasta). So all good.

I didnt have as much weight to lose as some, the bypass or sleeve is often advised for those who have a fair amount to lose.

You dont say what your eating habbits are but obvioulsy the surgeon discussed this with you and decided which op they thought was the best.

Good luck on the rest of your journey x
Agree with previous posts. Take advice from your surgeon. I wanted a band & was mortified when I had my first surgeons appointment when he said a sleeve or bypass was best for me. He went through all the procedures & pros & cons for me. I went away crying & ver disjointed & it took me at least 3 months after research & family discussion to decide on the sleeve. Had it 2 weeks ago & very happy.
I also wanted a band but was toild i was too heavy for it so was offered a bypass, was very relieved when i was actually given a sleeve.
I went in with my heart set on a band, but after discussing my eating habbits they reccomended a bypass I was'nt sure at first they word bypass just sounds scary lol. But I went with what they thought was best and 4 mths later inc pre op I'm 5 stone lighter so have no regrets x
I went in for a band and my Doc openeing question to me was "If money wasnt an issue what would you have?" and I still said a band and it wasnt't until we sat in this chair for that I even really knew anything about the sleeve but I could tell he thought I was more suited to the sleeve (espeically after my failed attempt with the baloon) I went away very confused and concerned (especially at the price difference as I am going private) but after spending a 3 solid days researching and pooling money from everywhere I realised the sleeve is for me and now my appointment is booked for the 21st May!

I'd defo take the surgeons advise every time, even more so as he tols me thought balloons were s**t - this made me like him even more as he was on my level and very straight down the line!

Roll on the 21st May now.... :)
Well done for really thinking about it. I am NHS. But switched from going for a band to going for a bypass. Luckily I wasnt far enough in for it to change anything.

Good luck!!! I think you will do fab with the sleeve :D
I also went with the desicion of a band at st geordes bak in jan, buh after discusin everything n eatin habits the consultant told me bnd is a no no for me as im a sweet tooth and.l the bypass eud b best, very very disappinted when i left buh went with his disicion an had my bypass 10 days ago and i have made the ryg choice and includin 2 wreks pre op diet i have lost around 37 lbs
Great news Soni!! - just shows "The Doctor always knows best" :)