I had my surgery at St Richards and the first visit I had was a MDT appointment so I saw the surgeon, dietician, specialist nurse, psychiatrist, anesthetist in the morning and then after lunch I saw the surgeon again who told me what they were going to do (which operation). It was a long day but it got it all over with in one hit. They told me the operation would be in 6 weeks but I then got a call 10 days later with a date 2 weeks after that, so really quick in the end. I had my operation on the 21 April and have just had my 6 week check up with no problems. The next appointment I will have is with the dietician in about a further 6 weeks. I hope this info helps you.
I can't update my ticker as I can't log in anymore for some reason but I have lost 34lbs since I started my milk diet.