happy days
New Member
Hopefully I will be of full of beans after 4:30.
Didn't used to feel it before but now Iam shattered when its due.
Didn't used to feel it before but now Iam shattered when its due.
Paula how far post op are you now
I feel like I'm one of the only ones who doesn't get this. My levels for everything is borderline so my doctors wont do anything proactive. My mum gets it and she hasn't even had surgery :/
Just over a year now. I was really ill two months ago just after my last B12 and I don't think it's worked as well this time because of that.
I didn't know bypassers had to have B12 injections (I assume it's an injection). Is that for life?
Oh I didn't know you had to do that...Do you get depleted if you don't have it :/
Question for you all though..do you really feel any benefit of the B12?
I have one done every 3 months,and apart from it hurting like hell for the first 30 secs,I don't feel anymore energetic.
I don't feel hyper or anything after I've had it but I know when I need it. Mainly lethargic
Mmm, it's difficult for me to notice,as iron is low due to heavy periods so that doesn't help the tiredness.
I had hoped this op would sort those monthlys out,but just my luck they gone worse.
I'm a bit of a walking disaster to be honest since my bypass just with better clothes and a smaller arse...lol
My monthlys last the grand total of approx 2 hrs. They are pathetic. I get the most horrendous cramp about ten mins before hand then that's it