New Member
Hi everone I was just wondering if it is ok to have baby food jars during the puree stage? I am 3 weeks today so I can start the puree stage and wondering if I can have the baby food meals (not puddings)
Hi Lynsey
This question comes up quite a lot. The general concensus is that as well as them not tasting very nice, they don't contain the right amount of nutrients.
They do sound ideal/convenient but I would avoid if you can.
That's hardHe's 7 years old. He is really fussy when it comes to food he wont eat any vegetables apart from sweetcorn. This is extremely annoying because when I weaned him I made all my own baby food and made sure he had every veg going I also gave him every meat and fish and he loved them. After a interfering ex husband told him he doesnt have to eat it. He won'tive even tried paying him to try new things which only worked once. The only healthy thing he does like is chicken fillets. Its so annoying because I didn't want my son to end up overweight like me. I have stopped buying sweets, chocolate and crisps but his dad constantly gives him the crap so I look the meany.
Can I add my ex-husband to the nightmare ex/father.
Whenever my son stayed there he'd get rubbish like ice pops for breakfast and McDonalds almost every night. Fortunately my lad is a 6' beanpole so got away with it but so difficult when he would get home!
Its so hard when there is an outside influence like that! my SIL had the same issue as her husband eats pure rubbish (and is thin!) my nephew is 8 and has only just started eating healthier again and will now eat most things. She got him too by focusing on how much he likes sports and discussing an athletes diet with him then letting him help cook and choose some of what he had when they went shopping. if only the same thing would work for her husband.......
there are some fab tinned options which are ok on mushys like veg ratatoulie (spelling?) veggies in curry sauce. Also what about cauliflower cheese pre-done? tinned stewed meats?