Hi Yvonne, thanks for asking hun it went really well.
I had 3 mls in it to start (from Op) and the man put 4mls in it, which felt like someone had there hands inside squeezing my stomach (didn't hurt just felt strange). Took some barium meal and it didn't pass through so he took 1ml out and I swallowed some more, that was also too tight so he took 1ml out again. That was perfect he said so I only had 2mls altogether which totals me to 5mls.
I have felt fine and it was great to see everything is as it should be.
Hopeing that the scales will move again now as I haven't lost for a little while. I am on liquids for 3 days and mushy for 3 days then solids from then on.
Hope all goes well for you hun xxx