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Bad press for Band


Loves her gorgeous family
sorry I have not been on for ages so much has happened which I wont bore you with LOL xx
well I had my 5th weigh management meeting on the god cant remember about 2 weeks ago and I have one more to go on the 5th of May woohoo ! well the lady was saying that there had been some big meeting in france where they are finiding big problems with the band after surgery, i.e. slipping, not great weight loss etc.. well she tried to start selling me the bypass which I dont want, i know some of you swera by it but I just decided that the band is best for me anyway she told me that the most I could EVER lose even with the gym is 50% of what I am overweight so the minimum she says I iwll EVER weigh is 13.5 stone !!! she sai in the end it is up to me and the surgeon has to do what I want but he also prefers to do the bypass !!! I didnt know what to say.she also said the port would be on my breast bone which I didnt want due to massive boobs and the fact tha all my bra's hurt !!!
has anyone else heard of this new facts
iv heard all sorts of facts befor but i ignore them if im honest my friend gary lost 15stone with the band and there are people like liz who have lost loads so i know it can be done. my port is over my bottom left rib and have no probs with it there it may depend on surgeon where it goes discuss it with him
i have read a similar post to this on another forum, thats just there facts on the matter, but if a band is researched properly before surgery and hard work is put in then do whats right for you, slippage is a risk taken when going in for banding, but it is over all a rare thing.
Hi, I have been told by the bariatric nurse that the port is postioned on the breastbone unless I specifically ask the surgeon to put it elsewhere. I think theres less chance of it moving(?) there as you lose weight.
I hope its not right what theyve told you about only losing 50% even with the gym cos I want to lose 6.5 stone not 3!
I am looking forward to reading the posts to your thread xx
Hi Helen, are you an NHS patient?

It sounds to me like your provider or surgeon is very anti bands for some reason. It shouldnt mean that you can't have one though hun if you are sure it is the right thing for you.

Stand your ground. Even if it means going to another surgeon/hospital.
Hi, I have been told by the bariatric nurse that the port is postioned on the breastbone unless I specifically ask the surgeon to put it elsewhere. I think theres less chance of it moving(?) there as you lose weight.
I hope its not right what theyve told you about only losing 50% even with the gym cos I want to lose 6.5 stone not 3!
I am looking forward to reading the posts to your thread xx

hi kath my 1st port was positioned on mt left side just under the rib cage, my new port is in my chest, they prefere to place them in the chest on the breastbone as there less chance it can flip there.
Hi fbnf

I had a similar chat with my Surgeon who actually offered me the bypass for £2000 cheeper ended up he would do it for £9000 but I am not having it done as I am way too much of a chicken!!

Stick to your guns.

Hi there, to be told that you can't lose more than 50% is a load of Bo***cks. Without a band, in theory, if one were able to ( and I guess virtually everyone on here has probably lost many many stones over the years but yo-yod back up) successfully stick to a diet of 1000 cals one could lose all excess weight. It may take years to get there if particularly overweight like myself, but physically it could be done could it not. Afterall no-one came out of Belson and said "Bugger me you look thin, I've stuck at 13.5 stones". So going with these facts, you can lose all the weight you want if you use the band effectively - again, may take a while but this powerful tool gives us the opportunity to change our habits and dependancies when it comes to food.
Totally agree with you Quetiapina. I got the following info from wikianswers.

"Just to survive the body needs between 1500 and 2500 calories, but see below.

This depends on your mass and necessary activity level, since each unit of mass ( kilograms, or whatever you wish) requires calories to both remain living and to function at a given level (for example, muscle tissue or your brain).

Setting aside the important point of what the calories consist of (vitamins, minerals, etc.), an average American female (5'4", 164 lbs) needs just under 1500 calories per day for a very sedentary existence (i.e., just surviving WHILE maintaining the SAME MASS).

The typical American male (5'9 1/2", 191 lbs) would need 2430 calories daily to survive or "Maintain".

To just stay alive, it really becomes a matter of how many calories below these numbers each day and how long the reduced calories are endured.

For example, reducing the calorie intake by 500 per day would reduce the body mass by about 2 kilos per month, or 1 lbs per week (all things remaining equal)."

Based on that info alone, live on a 1000 calorie per day diet, within a couple of years, you'll be way underweight!
The 50% - 60% excess weight loss is based on a world wide average. That includes all those that have failed and even put on weight. Most people that work with the band can expect to loose a lot more weight.

My consultant says that there are still some surgeons that put the port in the breast bone but he is against it he is also against putting it near the ribs for the same reason.

I think it really depends on you which surgery you go for and what suits you but the newest research shows that both ops can offer the same weight lose over a period of 5 years although you will loose a lot more weight in the early days with a bypass.

At the end of the day if you get the right surgeon (and IMO if your surgeon is against the band then he is not the surgeon to be fitting one in the first place) then the band is as safe and as effective as the bypass.
my port will be fitted on the breast bone - my only concern with this is for the future, when I may (but hope not) need compressions following some coronary - what effect will the port have? Will it hinder?

However that said - I also see this to be a somewhat sensible place to position the port - I can't even pinch any fat on my breastbone, so as the rest of my body changes shape, if it were positioned elsewhere it could shift location, it won't on the breastbone!!
The problem with the breast bone is that as you loose weight it becomes visible.

I would rather mine was on my left/ right side. It is stitched in so there is no more chance of the moving than the breastbone.

The way my consultant said it it was rare to put on the breast bone but he was obviously mistaken/ wrong. Just go to show that what ever your consultant believes is the best way they will rubbish or put negative views on the others.
Helen, I am just appalled at the advice you received. You should NEVER be forced into an option you don't like because the surgeon prefers it!!! That is just crazy. And I agree with the others that statistics don't shake out to mean you only have the opportunity to lose 50%. As proven by many successful banders on here, the band works for people if they obey the rules of the band. You just have to go into it knowing the rules and commit to following them. It is the same for the bypass, rules should be followed to ensure success. End of. As for the port site, unfortunately many people on here have discussed the breast bone as a common port location.

I wish you the besy of luck & hope you can either speak to your surgeon about your concerns or find another!

The problem with the breast bone is that as you loose weight it becomes visible.

my ports in my chest ive no fat over it and it does not become visable in the chest.
I would LOVE to know what meeting this was I have been searching for a couple of weeks since someone mentioned it first and can find no real trace of a world meeting of specialists (and when I checked with my surgeon on op day last week neither had he and he is the president of the international college of surgeons!) I have an awful feeling this just someone heard some one say type thing and she has told it to you as the Gospel truth! anyone else got more infor on theirs "meeting" i really want to read what was said.

I agree 100% its total balls about the weight loss after all don't forget the fact that .....
as noone in the world has 3 legs (to even up the statistics) statistically we all only have 1 and a bit legs....after all there are plenty of people around with only one and that means that statistically we all have less than 2!

Statistics can be made to fit what ever anyone wants them to.

The basic thing is if you have a correctly filled band and don't cheat it with slider foods you will loose weight.... how much is up to you dependent on 2 things....what you eat and how much you eat its that simple.

As for Ports mine is stitched with 4 big stitches to my abdominal muscle wall lower left of my bottom rib and I don't see it going anywhere...the surgeon showed me the thread as I was concerned and lets say its as tough as old boots:D:D
Like the stats of one and a bit leg - a really good analogy! I have my port about an inch below my breast bone it does catch a bit if I bend straight down while sitting but I guess it is still healing. Hope it doesn't always feel like that.
go 4 it corey the paramedics reconise the jewlry and time saves lives !
My port will be in my six pack or where it should be lol . But they do put it deep is what i was told.Fingers crossed it will be fine i like sleeping on my side also.