New Member
Well iv got to one week lol

So far im still hurting on left side
and tired, weak and had some strange visual disturbance thing a day ago
,but ,,,im a lot better than i was this time last week
and do feel better by each day.
Just feel really upset that i did so much reading in to it and not found one person that's had anything like the pain i had post op
. There normally feeling a lot better by a few days past, but here i am 7 days past still sore on high dosage pain killers from gp and im still bloated lol.
But iv lost nearly a stone in two weeks so im a very happy bunny
I dont think im eating enough?. But i just dont want anything im trying to keep fluids up i drink orange juice, apple juice and as much water as i can ,I take a multi vit ,pro biotic yogurt thing and a vit c tablet ,but im very very worried about hair loss
, I'm going to get some protein shakes today .Do you think im doing everything right ??
And im really looking forward to a fish pie in a weeks time as im still on soups
So far im still hurting on left side
Just feel really upset that i did so much reading in to it and not found one person that's had anything like the pain i had post op
But iv lost nearly a stone in two weeks so im a very happy bunny
I dont think im eating enough?. But i just dont want anything im trying to keep fluids up i drink orange juice, apple juice and as much water as i can ,I take a multi vit ,pro biotic yogurt thing and a vit c tablet ,but im very very worried about hair loss
And im really looking forward to a fish pie in a weeks time as im still on soups