Hi All,
So here it goes
I have done it after years and years in fact most of my life battling with my weight, last Friday 10th July I got banded its only a few days and still a bit sore but now I feel ready to begin my journey!!
So here's a bit about me apologies for the long read ...
I'm one of 5 and have always been the odd one out of my siblings who are all slim never with any weight problems, one memory from the age of 13 is being 13 stone each year onwards age an weight linked until around my heaviest at 23 stone. We were always fed well veg with dinners etc but with the mentality to finish your dinner and clear your plate as there were starving children in the world! and that's exactly what I did..
Over the years various diets have helped with weight loss a couple of stone here and there then the stones are back with that bit extra...
I suppose the biggest turning point for me was following the diagnosis of slipped discs in my back the agony and basically becoming unable to walk for weeks on end and care for my son without support hit me hard. The doctors confirmation that this would definitely have been brought on by my weight made me decide to do something about it so in 9 months
I lost over 7 stone that was 2 years ago and having a taste of being slim that feeling of having heaps of energy wearing great clothes and being active without joint pains etc was one I loved. Until following the loss of my dad suddenly and having a difficult breakup at the same time last year as a consequence led to me piling the stones back on. I suppose some would say if you done it yourself then why surgery but for me it's been over 15 years of constant diets I lose weight then gain more so enough was enough until I have that feeling of being full there I would always eat hungry or not...
I have always been a sociable outgoing and confident person so have never let my weight hold me back but finally had enough of it being all I worry about talk about think about "need to lose weight" need to lose weight" a constant thought and guilt after eating clearly and unhealthy relationship with food. One of my main reasons to lose weight is of course for me and my health but also so my little boy so he has a healthy happy mummy who can run at sports day in the mummy's race sad I know but something I don't want my weight to stop me doing.
So here my journey begins, my dream is to lose at least 6 or 7 stone and maintain a healthy weight but mainly to be active and healthy...
I plan on logging my weight each Friday as a spur on to the new me and hopefully a reminder of what I will achieve
Good luck to each and everyone one of you
Weigh in:
Pre op
Friday 10th July = 19 stone 10lbs
Post surgery
Friday 17th July = tbc
So here it goes
So here's a bit about me apologies for the long read ...
I'm one of 5 and have always been the odd one out of my siblings who are all slim never with any weight problems, one memory from the age of 13 is being 13 stone each year onwards age an weight linked until around my heaviest at 23 stone. We were always fed well veg with dinners etc but with the mentality to finish your dinner and clear your plate as there were starving children in the world! and that's exactly what I did..
Over the years various diets have helped with weight loss a couple of stone here and there then the stones are back with that bit extra...
I suppose the biggest turning point for me was following the diagnosis of slipped discs in my back the agony and basically becoming unable to walk for weeks on end and care for my son without support hit me hard. The doctors confirmation that this would definitely have been brought on by my weight made me decide to do something about it so in 9 months
I lost over 7 stone that was 2 years ago and having a taste of being slim that feeling of having heaps of energy wearing great clothes and being active without joint pains etc was one I loved. Until following the loss of my dad suddenly and having a difficult breakup at the same time last year as a consequence led to me piling the stones back on. I suppose some would say if you done it yourself then why surgery but for me it's been over 15 years of constant diets I lose weight then gain more so enough was enough until I have that feeling of being full there I would always eat hungry or not...
I have always been a sociable outgoing and confident person so have never let my weight hold me back but finally had enough of it being all I worry about talk about think about "need to lose weight" need to lose weight" a constant thought and guilt after eating clearly and unhealthy relationship with food. One of my main reasons to lose weight is of course for me and my health but also so my little boy so he has a healthy happy mummy who can run at sports day in the mummy's race sad I know but something I don't want my weight to stop me doing.
So here my journey begins, my dream is to lose at least 6 or 7 stone and maintain a healthy weight but mainly to be active and healthy...
I plan on logging my weight each Friday as a spur on to the new me and hopefully a reminder of what I will achieve
Good luck to each and everyone one of you
Weigh in:
Pre op
Friday 10th July = 19 stone 10lbs
Post surgery
Friday 17th July = tbc