Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
one of the things that I've noticed is that there doesn't seem to be many people who have had a band fitted who have started at over 300lbs or with a BMI over 50.
I am both. And am having my band fitted on Aug 23rd. When I saw my patient care co-ord she did say that with the weight/BMI that often bypass etc is the chosen option. I've not considered the other options but Dr Ashton also told me they arent the right options for me anyway.
I am however, interested to see if people on the band have started at over the 300lb mark and BMI +50 for your experiences, how you've found it and how it has worked for you.
Would certainly like to find someone (or even lots lol) of people who started their journeys in a place where I am currently. . . .
TIA, Kat x
one of the things that I've noticed is that there doesn't seem to be many people who have had a band fitted who have started at over 300lbs or with a BMI over 50.
I am both. And am having my band fitted on Aug 23rd. When I saw my patient care co-ord she did say that with the weight/BMI that often bypass etc is the chosen option. I've not considered the other options but Dr Ashton also told me they arent the right options for me anyway.
I am however, interested to see if people on the band have started at over the 300lb mark and BMI +50 for your experiences, how you've found it and how it has worked for you.
Would certainly like to find someone (or even lots lol) of people who started their journeys in a place where I am currently. . . .
TIA, Kat x