New Member
I have just got back from visiting my GP yet again, he hasnt heard anything from ... actually im not sure from who? he referred me for wls but has heard nothing back. he tried last year and said i was refused, which does surprise me as i meet all the criteria. My visit today was about my breathing which is steadily getting worse, i cant seem to get enough air in, and then i get pain in my back and stomach from trying. Doctor says all to do with weight, even my neck and back problems he thinks will improve if i lose weight, so its not that i want wls i need it... i even asked my husband if we could sell the house so that i could go private, as without this help i dont think i can see a long future. does anyone know what else i can do? im tempted to ring the hospitals myself and see what they say, but from what i have learned on here i need funding first? Doctor is going to write again but he has many patients and some are very ill so i wonder if i slip down the list of priorities. I just feel very sick about all of this, and instead of cutting down on food i am eating more. see i am my own worst enemy. just wondered if anyone knew of anything i can do to get this thing in motion. thanks Bridie:cry: