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been fighting for 3 years for funding, fed up, tired feel like giving up :(

Hi vampy, sorry you're still struggling. I can't help really as I didn't go down the nhs route as I didn't qualify, so I went to the Czech republic and had a sleeve, but my surgeon does bypasses too. I think the price is about 4.5k. If you want further info, pm me here or fb.

All the best,

i was turned down 3 times and finally got it, i just kept reminding myself how horrible and ugly and ashamed i felt when i first applied and i did everything they asked me same as you weight management etc and i cried my eyes out when they accepted me xx don't give up just keep remembering how you felt :)
Do you meet the criteria for NHS funding in your area? so many don't nowadays and have to self fund. Even for their first shot at WLS.

Many on here have had to jump through hoops and have had a good few years wait, I undertsand it must be frustrating but if thats what they want you to do surely it will be worth it :confused: ...............................
From what I have read NHS funding gets granted if you have other medical conditions not just being obese.

It seems very unfair that different areas have different criterias for funding WLS. Postcode Lottery like fertility treatment?

In my case I went private for another condition which could not be treated without me reducing my BMI. My specialist wrote to my GP and suggested WLS, next I knew the funding was granted.

Keep trying and good luck!
i agree all funding should be the same criteria, it's not fair for some they have to have bmi so high co morbidities etc and others seem to allow it without such a measure in place, i think if you have a high bmi you will automatically have co morbidities even maybe not know it till you have sleep test diabetes etc :) I thought i was fat and healthy till about 3 yrs ago when everything hit me at once and they said Angela you just won't wake up one morning :(
hi vampy
i also was refused op for band
i had been going to heartlands hospital for year
done everything was asked, lost 2st, attended sleep clinic
after all them stages go to see top doc who would do the op
he also said would help me alot
my answer took over 6 wks to be told that and that was after my doc had to
write to them
i was so pig sick been turned down when i have read on the forums that most of
people get the funding, maybe a live in wrong district
one factor was i wasnt a dietabtic
so really know how you feel
i now am going private thanks to my family
having op 14th oct
by the same doc i saw at heartlands
good luck
my doc said it could take ages to appeal.
hope you get sorted out very soon xx

Sorry to hear you are having difficulties obtaining funding, I know as said above the WLS for someone without co-morbidities is actually quite difficult on the NHS, they have limited funds for WLS and those with more things wrong with them will take priority. Now in your case I assume you have none of these, but are you sure, could you get your GP to get you tested for diabetes (you could be one of the many thousand) who don't know they have it until tested, also you should ask for a sleep apnoea test, as most over weight people to have one or both of these, what about arthritis in you hips and knees, does it hurt when you walk, there you go that's 3 Co-Morbidities with even thinking about it, get tested you might get lucky.

I was rejected for the band as I didnt have any medical problems alone with my obesity.
So, as I was desparate, I went private.
It stopped working 5 months after and since then and being hopsitised due to the band being too tight, I have been battling to have something done. I can't always eat solid food and when food gets stuck, it HURTS!!
Despite my GP and a NHS doc saying I need the band out and should have conversion, I received word yesterday, my local NHS has refused any funding.
I even said, please just pay for the band removal and I will cover the rest.
But no.
So I am going private. I want to appeal but as its taken 2 years so far, I cannot wait any longer.
My parents are lending me certain amount and this is only because of inheritance from my Nan. Makes me upset that I have to borrow. I feel guilty as I don't like using my Nans money like this.
So I will have spent £17500 in the last 3 years on weight lost not including the many trips to appointments etc.
I will finish paying off my loans for the next 8 years!!!!!
The symptoms you are suffering right now must be addressed before you even think of bypass surgery. You could have a slipped band, or band erosion (which can be very serious indeed), or a peptic ulcer (common after banding), or a damaged oesphagus due to bouts of vomiting or acid reflux... the list of possible causes is extensive and only professional help and advice can diagnose what is wrong and then restore you to health.

I am appalled to read of the 'treatment' you have received so far, and I beg you to begin, now, to make a greater fuss on your own behalf and approach your problems from slightly different, possibly far more effective 'angles'. You need to speak to new people, at a higher level, and to also investigate possible complaints procedures.

Most of all, right now, you need to be heard and believed, and to be able to feel, at long last, that you are being listened to and taken seriously!

May I again suggest, as one of many valuable starting-points, the Quality Care Commission:

