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Bit embarrassing Bit of advice please x


New Member
I'm 11 days post op and I'm so constipated. I told you it was embarrassing. I have such a pain in my left hand side this eve like a stitch. Could this be the reason or have I damaged my band.
Splitting side pain could be gas/wind build up. Are you getting in enough fluid? Walking helps a lot with gas pain. Might. Want to check with your dr just to be safe. Hope it sorts out for you soon.
Thank you for answering. I was getting worried as it's been constant since about 6 pm. I hope it goes soon. Off for a walk now
Haven't you been for 11 days? If not you need to get something to make you go now....at once! You can buy either glycerin suppositories or something called a micralax enema which is a teeny enema which works in about 15-30 mins. Go to your chemist & ask for them. Or see your GP. Ongoing you will possibly need regular help! I use movicol sachets from my doc. They're really good. Good luck.
Thanks mrs p. I managed to get in to my dr on Monday. Last night I took senacot and it appears to be slowly working thank god. I'd be lost without this blog. You are all really friendly and helpful. Appreciate it.
We're all in the same boat so it helps! I also take something called Dulcolax tablets occasionally...they work overnight & the effect is spectacular! (much better than senokot!!) I don't really like the taste of movicol sachets ...sorry to go on....its a subject close to my heart!!
I get that stitch pain in my left side at the bottom of my tummy! But I don't have toilet issues... I know my fluid intake isn't as good as. It should be! Could that be causing it?
Yes...low fluid intake is one cause but also low volume of food too. Iron in your multivit doesn't help either. It's just one of the side effects of dieting I guess. Have a chat with your Dietician...they have loads of tips about food choices to avoid constipation.
I'm 4 weeks post op now and have my first fill in 2 weeks so will ask then! Keep forgetting to take the vitamins! Onto normal food today and spoilt for choice on what to have now lol like I said I don't have any toilet issues so the stitch pain must be to do with the fluid! Will try to drink more today and see if that helps! X
tanychance said:
I'm 4 weeks post op now and have my first fill in 2 weeks so will ask then! Keep forgetting to take the vitamins! Onto normal food today and spoilt for choice on what to have now lol like I said I don't have any toilet issues so the stitch pain must be to do with the fluid! Will try to drink more today and see if that helps! X

I still have that awful stitch pain lower left side to. It there all the time and is worse if you breath in deeply or yawn. Im due to call nurse today I will let you know what she says.
tanychance said:
That would be really helpful to find out what it is x

Nurse said it was either not enough fluid or drinking too quickly. I'm not convinced as it's very tender when proded. Oh well hopefully it will go soon.