Im Meellttinngg!! :)
Went out for lunch with my mum on Weds, thought Id stick to the jacket potato, knowing I have had this at home and all is fine. All was fine just the potato they brought was the size of a rugby ball. !! I wouldnt have been able to finish it pre op never mind now lol
So anyway, off we went today as had some shopping to do and thought sod it we will eat out again. This time I though Ill go for a smaller option, and decided that off the menu an omelette was a pretty safe bet ! BOY oh BOY was I wrong, The omlette itself looked lovely and was light and fluffy, 100 time better than anything I make at home.....But oh god... I had 3 mouthfuls and it felt like it was stuck ! Sat there burping quietly to myself lol
I threw up in the cafe, went back again to the loo for a second rendition....felt lousy but we went and did the shopping , was walking round with a lump in my throat. Came home threw up again, and now I just feel awful, like Im ready to go visit Huey again... I took a remigel earlier but that hasnt helped. Any advice, ?
I know it will wear off eventually but is there anything to quicken it up or should I stay off everything ? I was wondering if a hot drink would help?
That will teach me for trying to enjoy a nice day out lol