New Member
Just a post to advise that if anyone wants to read my updates they will have to tune into my blog....they will only be able to do this if they are an accepted friend. The reason for this is my older sister (and I know your screen name by the way I dont work for the police for nothing) has been reading my posts, answering some of my posts and had actually been blocked by me obviously unbeknown to me (see if you are not liked and blocked by me there is always a reason and whilst I was unaware she was my sister and she has exploited that to her own ends the truth will out eventually)....I do not want to stop supporting my many friends on here and I dont want to get into a mud slinging battle. I want to be able to go about my business and be left in peace. Please send me a friend link if you are not already on my list and this will enable you to view my blog. I will of course read posts as normal and offer support in any way but my personal stuff will be blocked unless you contact me. I do hope the many folk who I have had the pleasure of getting to know over the months will drop by and continue to support and be supported by me.....xx