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Booked for band on 18th November!!


New Member
Well, I've done it all booked in for 18th November. Waiting for the next set of instructions..... oh crikey!
Good luck Helski :bliss:
I've got my consultation on the 2nd November. Quite anxious about it all. Good luck with your surgery.
Good Luck xxxx
well done not long now!
I haven't been told what happens next or about a 'milk' diet. So not sure what kind of diet I'll have to follow. Don't know anything really, just want to get on with it now. Keep stopping myself from buying any clothes in the hope/expectation that I will need smaller sizes soon!! Fingers crossed.
how exciting for you helski ... good luck :)
Can't say that I'm excited. Reading about top kat's experience has freaked me out a bit as she sent me such supportive messages. I can't imagine what she is going through. It sounds horrendous. I've also just had a difficult conversation with my eldest daughter who can't understand why I'm still eating normally (a lot) before the op. Maybe she is right I should start to cut down now. But a bit of me just thinks I should enjoy it while I can. What do you think?
I didn't have a "last meal" as the day I went for the consultation I booked to have the op 5 weeks later and went straight into a pre-op diet. I can't say I missed it if I'm honest, but there's no food I really love that I can't eat now.
Can't say that I'm excited. Reading about top kat's experience has freaked me out a bit as she sent me such supportive messages. I can't imagine what she is going through. It sounds horrendous. I've also just had a difficult conversation with my eldest daughter who can't understand why I'm still eating normally (a lot) before the op. Maybe she is right I should start to cut down now. But a bit of me just thinks I should enjoy it while I can. What do you think?

Please do not worry, even with what is happening with me right now, I do not regret my band for one single minute, and I'm hoping that a defill will sort me out, I had sailed through 13 months with no issues and no restriction and jumping up by 1ml when I was at 11ml we knew was larger than the amount HW put in at this time, and it seemed ok at the time.

I know you were seeing them - is that who your surgery is booked with? They have been great and I'm travelling up on Monday to have a defill which I'm sure will sort me out :)

It's not plain sailing - the band can be hard work, it takes a lot of work from US to make it work And to get the results, but each journey is unique to each person, as the "sweet spot" is different for everyone, what people can or cannot eat is different to everyone. Until this month, I didn't even feel as if I had a band - only reminded by the treks to Birmingham to have a fill.

My concerns were that I wasn't actually going to find restriction and as I got more filled into the 14ml band it was concerning. But the care from HW has been great, I neither regret the band or my choice of providers and Monday I'm hoping I will be back on track. :)

As for your eating Hun, they will send you out info, depending on who the surgeon is and whether you're having SILS or not with HW will also effect the length of the pre-op. They usually recommend following a low fat and low carb diet. I made the choice from 4 weeks out to start cutting down, so when my preop kicked in I was already focused. I then chose to follow a milk diet as it worked better for me and really helped me with the two weeks liquid stage post op :). I certainly didn't want to do the "last supper" mindset as this was a change I'm making for life so when I decided that was the day my life began to change :)

Please don't worry, I am ok, just a blip on my journey which with the great after care I'm receiving will be sorted out soon - but to me, because of my own restriction battle I'm a little relieved despite everything that there can be restriction from my band :)
Thanks for that helpful post Top Kat. I've started to sprout seeds of doubt over night thinking do I need it? I know deep down that a lot of my weight issues are from drinking too much which the band can't prevent, I know but then I drink because I'm unhappy about myself, and eat and so the circle continues.

I yo yo by five stone - I've gained three stone since March! It's knowing the band will be there as a safety net that I think will break that cycle. Thang and determination from me. I can't go on like this. I'm a right misery at the moment.

Sorry, waffling again!
even when times are tough you still manage to push that to one side and give positive advise to others, thank you it really means a lot to those like me who read your postings.
Thanks Top Kat, you really do have an amazing attitude to all of this. I am still getting my head around the whole thing. When I decide to do something I tend to just get on with it. So I'm all booked for 18 Nov, with HW, but my attitude to food needs to catch up. I'm sure it will but just now it's hard. I'm glad you're feeling better and still positive. I have got my instructions and basically that is to do a week's diet of 800 to 1000 calories for 7 days before the op. So that's what I intend to do. Just now I am trying to eat much, much more slowly to train me up for the post op ways of eating.
Thanks for that helpful post Top Kat. I've started to sprout seeds of doubt over night thinking do I need it? I know deep down that a lot of my weight issues are from drinking too much which the band can't prevent, I know but then I drink because I'm unhappy about myself, and eat and so the circle continues.

I yo yo by five stone - I've gained three stone since March! It's knowing the band will be there as a safety net that I think will break that cycle. Thang and determination from me. I can't go on like this. I'm a right misery at the moment.

Sorry, waffling again!

I had all the same doubts. I love a glass of wine or several at the weekend, and I know that it's all empty calories yadda yadda.

However, I don't drink at all Sun-Thurs as otherwise it stops being a treat - and also the liver needs to repair.

I am eating less, and losing weight - and you will too.

Go for it.