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breakfast - what's eating you?


hi gang,

i'm trying to up my fluid intake (unsuccessfukky, but making efforts!!)

I'm also trying to up my protein intake and reduce my carb intake (to shift the last 100Ibs I need to lose). Lunch is usually salad and veggies e.g. edamame beans with fish or chicken. Same with dinner (but i have a little bulghar wheat). However I dunno what do for breakfast - I can't eat eggs and don't eat/like red meat or pork.

So do you have any low-fat high protein breakfast ideas?

Or just tell me what YOU eat for breakfast :) xx

Thanks - cc :D
what about bacon and tomatoes, or lean sausage n tomatoes, protein shake, slimfast, weetabix, i know weetabix is a carb, but, you have milk with it, and its good for your bowels. if i think of anything else, ill post it huni, hugs xxx
defo the compo route, TAKE TIME OFF. take photos, keep going back to a&e if anything changes "your knee swelling", if your boss text you the message about being in tomorrow keep that text on your phone.
Erin has just won a compo claim and got £15000.
ooooppppps i'v put this on the wrong thread!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha ha sue, i wondered what was going on then for a minute, till i realised what it was lol. never mind huni, we all do it, hugs dawny x
I sometimes have pilchards or sardines on a slice of wholemeal toast. They are very cheap and one tin lasts for 2 days.

Also smoked haddock or kippers done in the microwave, that way you are starting you day with protein.
thanks for your suggestions guys. Looks like you're the only two people who eat breakfast around here :D

lol @ Sue. Don't worry. :giggle:

Im a late breakfaster, cant manage much at all early on. If Im on the road I have a slim fast, in the office yoghurt and fruit at home eggs sliced on melba toast or quorn sausage and egg. Not much help as you cant eat eggs - sorry :confused:
I have either a weetabix with lots of skimmed milk or a protein shake. As I have not had a chance as yet to try a 'normal' eating regime because of the rules I have to follow with WM, I have yet to sample what a typical day would be for me. I am not a morning person and I always find my band is very tight in the early part of the day so sloppy weetabix is about my limit in terms of anything solid.

I started on Green Tea (Twinings preferred) and Nescafe Green Coffee (plus made with milk) for the antioxidant properties and it's been a brilliant move.

Can't lose if you can develop your taste for this and I'm so pleased because ''it also helped to lower my blood sugar pre op''.... worth a try all lovelies.... because anything that helps has to be a good motivator and I replaced my hot drinks pre op and am carrying on with them post op.

Good luck to everyone. Love you all, never any exceptions Angels xxx
p.s. In addition to the green tea and coffee.

I forgot to mention the introduction of Whey Protein Powder... as a dietary supplement.

I am not sure if this is any use to you but I was just thinking of the additional protein that we need so badly on this journey and I'm adding it to skimmed milk and low fat/sugar ice cream at the moment. Dawn suggested a milk shake with ice cream, milk and chocolate whey powder, now that will be a healthy treat for sure... providing you only use low base products of course... I'm always aiming now for food products well under 10g sugar... is that correct?

Could we also explore which breakfast cereals are best?
I'm tending to only buy Special K, Shredded Wheat and low sugar Porridge for the family and that is what I had pre op too. Any other suggestions would be helpful, I love Weetabix so will eventually have half a weetabix on my post op stage with skimmed milk.

Hope this may help.

Love and hugs xxx
I have cereal if I have the time, or egg on toast or bacon roll for a treat.
If I'm out or dont get time for breakfast I have an extra milky coffee
If i really want protein i'll go for kippers/mackerel something along those lines...

However i'm quite odd and feel like i haven't had breakfast if i don't have cereals...
On a work day I tend to have cereal, but Im not good at eating first thing and would rather have 2 or 3 mugs of coffee with plenty of milk.

Of a weekend if Im eating a little later, perhaps a slice of seeded toast with either a scrambled egg, or peanut butter. Or occasionally half a bacon sandwich.

Not very good high protein choices (sorry!) but its what suits me.
By the time I have my tablets in the morning washed down with my actimel, I'm basically out of the door for a 2 hr commute to work, so I don't really get chance to 'eat' breakfast, because I literally haven't got the time to take my tablets, then leave it the time required before eating, so I do what works best for me....but I always take a flask of milky coffee that I try to get in on the way to work. If I'm doing a run that morning, I will get in a protein shake too. However, at the weekends, I may have a scrambled egg with a small sliver of smoked salmon, or I make a small fresh fruit salad and have it with some 0% fat greek yoghurt.
I struggle to eat first thing so I tend to have a slimfast or a very runny porridge or weetabix if i have to have something. A bit different to a full english!!!
sorry thats not been much help
jo XX
i gotta admit caching, i dont eat my breakfast till lunchtimish, cos i find it hard to eat in the morning, but i do drink a lot of coffee, and i forgot to say, i like pilchards on wholemeal toast, again its late when i eat them. im actually lucky if i get 3 meals a day in, its usually just 2, but ill try to have a banana in the evening sometime. i think thats why my weight has come of slow.
hope you work it out huni, big hugs xxx
Milky coffee with added milk powder.

I have cereal and loads of milk - then a coffee mid morning.

Burgen bread has 6 gms protein per slice and is yum toasted.

And M&S luxury hot cross buns and luxury seeded hot cross buns have quite a lot or protein in them - add a drink of milk and it soon goes up.

Not that I'm a sad so-and-so and read all the labels!!

I love Burgen bread Angela... how long would it be before I should have a round of bread again post op?

I'm a while off solids yet, but I'd love to think that I could contemplate bread in the future...

Love and hugs xxx
I was several weeks out before I tried it - and even now bread goes down better toasted.

Sometimes that melba toast is a good way to see how bread will go down.

Won't be long before you can experiement - and what goes down today might not tomorrow.

If you get the need to chew - try some ice - and crunch it - but it might be a bit soon just now - its all trial and error I'm afraid

Hope you are OK

Aww Bless and thank you, I'm doing my very best and following all the guidance as much as practicable... I've got melba toast on my mind.. thank you Angel Angela and hope you are keeping ok too... Love and hugs xxx