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Hi i am after some suggestions for Breakfasts, i am two weeks post op bypass, and at the moment i have a munch bunch fromais frais for brekkie... my diet sheet from the dietician as a guidline says:

1 pot of fromais frais or
weetabix or

thing is i dont like weetabix or porridge and im beginning to feel i could do with a bit more than a fromais frais for brekkie.. any suggestions?
maybe try a bit of scrambled egg?
maybe try a bit of scrambled egg?

thanks i may do that, i have been having scrambled egg every other day for lunch though, is there a limit to how many eggs we should have a week.
i like scrambled egg which is strange cos i didnt really like it before op lol xx
How about ready brek, or some shreddies with hot milk, they have a very soft texture then. Maybe a bit of low fat,low sugar rice pudding? Some stewed fruit and low fat custard?
Eat whatever you fancy and goes down ok,doesnt have to be regular brekkie stuff!
what do you peeps have for Breakfast?
Weekends I have bacon & eggs, weekdays muller rice or balance red berries cereal or oatibix with cranberry & apple. I just go with flow depending on the time & how soon I have to be somewhere or doing something.
How about cracker bread crispbreads spread with a bit of peanut butter or low fat philly. The cracker breads chew away to nothing a bit like quavers.

Kate x

hiya Kate do you have crispbreads for breaky... i only had my op a couple of days after you.. but if your having them already i will give them a try x
hiya Kate do you have crispbreads for breaky... i only had my op a couple of days after you.. but if your having them already i will give them a try x

Yes quite often now and I have them for snacks too. They are the Ryvita crackerbread ones in a yellow box, they melt away to nothing so are a good carrier for protein packed things like peanut butter, low fat humous, laughing cow, pate etc. I also eat seafood sticks too as they chew away to nothing as well, I don't eat those for breakfast though.:D
I am gonna get some crispbreads tmro for defo and try them and get some pate and laughing cow cheese... i think that will be a nice alternative to my munch bunch yogurts...i hope i can tolerate them... although i havnt had any problems with anything else so far xx
I can't stand porridge either, however if you put 2 teaspoons of porridge oats in a dry pan and just lightly toast them until light brown and then mix them in with the yoghurt...it is really yummy. I have it for my breakfast each day with half a grated apple and a pinch of dessicated coconut and chopped nuts. Really nice breakfast with the goodness of porridge but not that Yuck taste! Good luck. xx
(PS I have not had my surgery yet)
I can't stand porridge either, however if you put 2 teaspoons of porridge oats in a dry pan and just lightly toast them until light brown and then mix them in with the yoghurt...it is really yummy. I have it for my breakfast each day with half a grated apple and a pinch of dessicated coconut and chopped nuts. Really nice breakfast with the goodness of porridge but not that Yuck taste! Good luck. xx
(PS I have not had my surgery yet)

That does sound yummy, but i dont think i could have that being post op... but still yummy... do you know when you op is yet? xx
Sadly not. I was refereed Sept 2010, Saw the consultant and listed in Feb 2011 - I hope it will be some time in the new year, as I am frightened if it's too far away, I may well be dead before the op, or told by the anaesthetist that I am too high risk to operate on...
Sadly not. I was refereed Sept 2010, Saw the consultant and listed in Feb 2011 - I hope it will be some time in the new year, as I am frightened if it's too far away, I may well be dead before the op, or told by the anaesthetist that I am too high risk to operate on...

Thats not too far away hun, i was refered in 2009 and my op was just over two weeks ago... it is a long process.... you will be fine hun.... you come and chat to us everyday we will keep you motivated... im five foot 1 and my BMI was 63 and they operated on me, so dont be disheartened, you will get a date soon xxx
Yes quite often now and I have them for snacks too. They are the Ryvita crackerbread ones in a yellow box, they melt away to nothing so are a good carrier for protein packed things like peanut butter, low fat humous, laughing cow, pate etc. I also eat seafood sticks too as they chew away to nothing as well, I don't eat those for breakfast though.:D

Hiya i brought some crispbreads and thought i would have two with pate for lunch and they went down well so thankyou... i will be having them for my brekkie.. i brought some laughing cow extra light spread aswell so will try that in the morning x