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Burping (sorry)


New Member
Has anybody had a problem with wind and getting rid of it? I am 4 days post op and really can't burp and can feel the wind building up in my stomach but it's like there is nowhere for it to go except wait it out to pass the other way :eek:
I need to stick a straw in my stomach and let all the gas escape!
Yep, I burp all the time but my band is very tight. (I eat very small bites and very slow)
Get some deflatine / indigestion relief in so that you limit the discomfort x
The only thing i found helpful was movement hun..small walks round the house and it starts to shift

HTH :)
i agree with leonie keep moving around you recover quicker too and it helps your shoulder pain they blow you up in the op to get to your stomach so the air has to go somewhere!!x
Just fart and be done with it xxx
It will pass - one way or the other - quite soon. Im a fan of walking around too as I think that was what really helped me. Dont worry it will soon be gone
Deflatine was really helpful for me...and also a change of position...bend over a bit....then the wind shifts one way or the other!
Grace xxx
lol dotty. im so glad its gone now huni. i actually found that gently massaging just underneath my sternum helped, it was sort of like 'winding' myself. i still do it now if i feel uncomfortable after eating.
I had my husband rubbing my back and I actually said to him just rub as if you're winding a baby! Still didn't work, burping just wouldn't happen. It will now though!